Saying Goodbye to Benjamin Netanyahu Is Long Overdue. Dr. Philip Giraldi - Counter Information

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Saturday, March 15, 2025


Saying Goodbye to Benjamin Netanyahu Is Long Overdue. Dr. Philip Giraldi

Give Miriam Adelson her $100 million back and tell her to go home


President Donald Trump’s address to Congress and the nation on Tuesday night was remarkably devoid of any mention of why the United States continues to both enable and be complicit in the Ukrainian conflict with Russia as well as with the war crimes that are being committed by the state of Israel against nearly all its neighbors on a daily basis.

The most recent abomination committed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his band of thugs is the cutting off of food, medicine and temporary housing to the Gazans who were bold enough to return to their ruined homes due to a ceasefire negotiated successfully by US presidential envoy Steve Witkoff in January. Now that Netanyahu has decided to come up with some false assertions to break the agreement, allowing him to continue his extermination of the Palestinian people, Trump as peacemaker seems to have disappeared without a trace even though the US was in a sense a guarantor of the phased disengagement.

Instead, Trump has doubled down on the side of Israel, issuing a “last warning” to Hamas during direct negotiations with the group to release all of the hostages in Gaza immediately. Per Trump in a posting on Truth Social on Wednesday:

“Release all of the hostages now, not later, and immediately return all of the dead bodies of the people you murdered, or it is OVER for you.”



Screenshot from Trump’s Truth Social


Trump wrote that he would send Israel “everything it needs to finish the job,” and warned that “Not a single Hamas member will be safe if you don’t do as I say.” It should also be noted that Israel holds thousands of Palestinian prisoners whose fate is evidently of no concern to Donald Trump while the Israeli “world’s most moral army” has continued to kill numerous Palestinians even while the ceasefire was allegedly in place without a squeak coming out of Washington just as it has also been killing Lebanese and Syrians.

I still recall with some fondness the Monty Python movie entitled “The Meaning of Life,” in part because the United States has, since 9/11, been on a berserker course to teach the rest of the world about the “meaning of death.” Some observers maintain that the imperative to deliver millions of dead has been necessary to maintain US dominance in an unstable world, which is a “good thing” for everyone who survives the carnage as they will live by the “rule of international law” as laid down by Washington. But I have something like a different theory, i.e. that much of that kind of thinking derives from the neoconservatives, largely a Jewish-led and funded movement which has come to dominate the foreign policy and national security thinking of both major American political parties.

Going back to the first Gulf War, the neocons have believed that US dominance has been good for Israel, particularly as they subsequently perceived that 9/11 was a gift from Jehovah that enabled the full might of the United States military to be used against Israel’s enemies starting with Iraq. Indeed, the Baathist regime was attacked and destroyed based on a series of lies and false intelligence concocted by monsters like Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Doug Feith at the Pentagon plus Scooter Libby in the office of Vice President Dick Cheney. Israeli intelligence officers from the Embassy in Washington had full and free access to the Wolfowitz Pentagon office while the process was playing out. President George W. Bush was clearly too stupid to realize that he was being conned.

But getting back to President Trump’s evident reluctance to discuss the one remaining war that he could stop in a heartbeat by cutting off all aid and political support, there is the question that is unanswered about why the US should become an accomplice to mass murder in a slaughter where there is no conceivable American national interest. Indeed, one might reasonably argue that the involvement with Israel and its human rights disaster has already done considerable damage to both the reputation and the economy of the United States. Some observers oddly continue to believe that it is the United States that exploits Israel to further its own imperial ambitions but nothing could be further from the truth as even a cursory examination of the one sidedness of the relationship reveals that it is Israel often acting through its US domestic lobby that is actually running the show.

So if the negatives about Israel are even partly true, why is the leadership of the US from both principal parties reluctant to cut the tie that binds Washington to the criminal apartheid enterprise that has illegally occupied and now hides in a place once called Palestine? I personally have long believed that the history of Jewish perfidy directed at corrupting and gaining influence over the United States goes back more than a hundred years with the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913 and the gaining control of many major newspapers at around the same time. As Nathan Mayer Rothschild put it in 1815,

“Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.”

And then there are the descendants of Adolph Ochs, who have exercised majority control over the New York Times since Ochs bought the paper in 1896. The Times self-describes as America’s “newspaper of record” with its lies and distortions, particularly when it is Israel that is under discussion.

Not surprisingly, much of the corruption of American institutions by Israel has to do with Jewish money which has influenced the shift of foreign policy views of both major US political parties. In the recent election, Jewish casino billionaire Miriam Adelson reportedly gave Trump $100 million and in exchange he promised to permit Israeli annexation of the Palestinian West Bank, which is currently proceeding. Beyond that buying of favors and the accompanying semi-overt takeover of the United States, there should be serious suspicions about possible hidden “covert actions” undertaken by Israel and its agents. One might cite the assassination of John F. Kennedy just as he was about to force the Israel lobby groups to register while also shutting down Israel’s secret and illegal nuclear weapons program. And then there is 9/11 itself’s possible ties to Israel’s massive spying program in the US at that time to include the “dancing Shlomos” on the day of the attack, and the systematic corruption of congress and the American political system through the “buying of politicians” by Jewish billionaire oligarchs acting on behalf of Israel.



Trump receives a menorah from Miriam and Sheldon Adelson at the Israeli American Council National Summit Saturday, Dec. 7, 2019, in Hollywood, Fla. (Official White House photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)


I was pleased last Tuesday when my favorite foreign policy analyst Professor John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago, my alma mater, responded to a question from Judge Andrew Napolitano, who had asked why Israel is able to get away with so much that does damage to the United States, to include manipulation of a run of presidents including both Joe Biden and now Donald Trump who dare not challenge a vicious creature like Benjamin Netanyahu. Even Barack Obama, who disliked Netanyahu intensely, knew he had to play the game to placate the Democratic Party’s Jewish donors.

Mearsheimer explained that there are potentially and actually very severe consequences for any politician who steps out of line as the Israeli Lobby in the United States wields immense largely extralegal power. Bingo, Professor Mearsheimer! It is what many of us have long believed and are even beginning to speak about and it is perhaps time for the country as a whole to begin to take notice before the government moves definitively to ban all criticism of the Jewish state. For starters, the Attorney General might just begin to enforce the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 (FARA) legislation that President Kennedy was trying to enforce vis-à-vis one of the first Israel lobbying groups in the US, the American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs, which is today renamed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Unfortunately, the current Attorney General Pam Bondi has gone the other way, making it harder for prosecutors to initiate action based on FARA, a deliberate move to protect the Israel Lobby.

The JFK attempted US crackdown headed by Attorney General Robert Kennedy, who also was subsequently assassinated, coincided with development of investigative evidence demonstrating that Israel had stolen both enriched uranium and nuclear triggers to develop its own secret nuke arsenal. That development, plus the significant evidence that Israel has committed a host of humanitarian crimes, has since made it illegal for the US provide aid to the offending country under the Leahy Law and associated legislation, but Israel has never been held accountable for anything due to the strength of its Lobby and the accommodating media. Israel’s immunity from US laws and regulations is referred to by cognoscenti as the “Israeli Exemption.”

Congress and the White House run in fear of the wrath of Zion, so it would appear, and no one is willing to do anything about it even when the depth and intensity of Israeli spying against the United States becomes evident, as has taken place with Jonathan Pollard in the 1980s and Jeffrey Epstein more recently, with the Epstein papers still being covered up! Pollard, who now lives in Israel where he is idolized, was the most damaging spy in US history. And then when one considers US government cover-ups, the ultimate has to also be all about Israel, when its warplanes and torpedo boats attacked the USS Liberty intelligence ship in international waters in the Mediterranean on June 8, 1967, killing 34 crewmen and wounding 170 more. The White House of Lyndon B. Johnson called back fighter planes launched from a US aircraft carrier to assist the Liberty and later engaged in a massive cover-up to absolve Israel from any blame as a case of “mistaken identity.” There exist, however, recordings that indicate that the Israeli pilots knew exactly whom they were attacking.

In my humble opinion Israel should be treated as an enemy or at a minimum as a state that is dangerous to have any association with. That is because it uses its immense power inside the United States establishment as well as with many other nations in Europe, Oceania and North America to incite for wars that bring no benefit to any country that allows them to influence or distort policy.

The ongoing attempts by Israel to entice the United States into a war with Iran is only one example of what goes on and there are reports that US bombers have been taking up position in the Persian Gulf for a possible attack. And there are always the unspeakable things about Israel and how it does things. The Palestinian extermination is based on a perception among many Israeli Jews that both Christian and Muslim neighbors are not only “terrorists”, they are subhuman and fit only to work as slaves of Jews or to flee the country or die. Prominent St. Louis rabbi Jeffrey Abraham recently wrote that there are “no ‘innocent civilians’ in Gaza,” and endorsed the belief that Palestinians are “animals.” The lack of any discomfort in the local Jewish community demonstrates how widely accepted these views are. And, one might add, even American presidents are little more than ignorant goyim to be used and discarded or even subtly threatened.

On Netanyahu’s recent visit to the White House, he presented Trump with a mounted Golden Pager, reminiscent perhaps of the exploding pagers used recently by Israel in Lebanon to kill and maim at random Lebanese civilians. It was a sick joke or perhaps even intended as a warning and it clearly was the product of the twisted mind of Netanyahu.

Far from being anyone’s “best friend” or “greatest ally” or being a democracy as the US media and congress constantly claim, Israel’s government does not even appear to value the lives of some Jews. The recent admission by the former Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant that he had ordered the army to use the Hannibal Directive to kill Israeli civilians and soldiers during and after the Hamas attack on 7 October 7th 2023 confirms eye witness accounts of events that day. Israeli security policy includes the option of killing potential Jewish hostages so they do not become a need-to-use-negotiations obstacle hindering the options available in Israel’s use of force against whomever it is attacking.

And don’t forget the Samson Option, the Armageddon-esque plan to use Israel’s secret nuclear weapons to take down both enemies and friends if the Jewish state is ever seriously threatened with destruction. There should be no doubt that the plan, like the Hannibal Directive, is for real and representative of Israeli government thinking and there is no reason to presume that the United States would not be included among those targeted. It is something to think about for every American who valued our country and the freedoms it provided before our politicians surrendered to Zion and allowed an “immensely powerful” largely domestic “fifth column” to obtain significant control for a foreign country over the national security policy of the United States of America.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image: PM Netanyahu with US President Donald Trump at the White House© GPO/Avi Ohayon

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