Have You Been Faked Out by the Panama-Canada-Greenland Syndrome? - Counter Information


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Saturday, January 11, 2025

Have You Been Faked Out by the Panama-Canada-Greenland Syndrome?

What is really going on?

The Newspapers are filled with impossible, crazy claims and declarations by Donald Trump that have just about everyone confused, angry, or amused. Everyone is either denouncing Trump as a fascist, a Zionist, or making jokes about his crazy plans to take over the Panama Canal, Greenland, and Canada. Now this plan could be real, but I suspect that it is meant primarily as a distraction. The question is: what are we being distracted from?

I would like to suggest that the intention of all this blather in the media, and the useless “alternative media” filled with Thiel operatives, is to distract you from three actual plans for real military action that are of tremendous risk for all of humanity:

1) A massive hybrid war against Iran led by the sections of the US and Israeli military and intelligence that have been recently merged under one command.

2) The plans to trigger a war with North Korea which then will draw in China and give Beijing its own “Ukraine” as the military industrial complex has long planned.

3) The launch of over 30,000 low-orbit satellites (both part of the acknowledged Star Link system and classified military satellites related to Star Shield and other programs) that will be able to subject all of humanity to various intensities of electromagnetic radiation which, combined with 5G broadcasts, will allow a tiny handful of billionaires to dumb down and control literally everyone.


1) Hybrid War with Iran 

One has to be blind in both eyes to miss how the attacks on Syria and Lebanon, plus the deployment of US troops in large numbers to Israel (and in classified programs to all of “greater Israel”) is part of a build up for a war with Iran. The craven cooperation of the so-called alternative media in playing up “nuclear war with Russia” as a way of drawing attention away from this real build up for war with Iran (as seen in propaganda of Scott Ritter and other paid agents) is grotesque.

What we can be sure of is that China’s dependency on Iranian oil (combined with efforts to use fracking to give the US temporary independence in energy for the period that the Middle East is torn apart by war) will be used to try to bait China into intervening in Iran. The military actions, now in concrete planning stage, are guaranteed to set off a world war.

2) North Korea as Beijing’s “Ukraine”

The plans for war with China are at an advanced stage, and made easier by the fact that a large group of billionaire Chinese think that this build up for war will be in their interests. Some on both sides are so deluded into believing that they can push the build up to the edge of war, make fortunes speculating in the stock of defense contractors (in the US, South Korea, Japan, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, and China itself), and then pull back at the last minute before everything falls apart.

This thinking, typical for spoiled brats who have never experienced war, is precisely what led to World War One. The reality is that once you push the politics of war past a certain point, the military chain of command takes over and that bankers and speculators are out. After that, war is on automatic pilot until so many are dead that the entire population is disgusted with war itself.

There is a shift taking place with regard to the strategy for starting a war with China in the Pentagon. Previously the focus was on Taiwan. The plan was to bait China into a Ukraine-like war in Taiwan that would wear Beijing down. But this strategy was based on some major misunderstandings about Taiwan on the part of overpaid generals and defense contractor lobbyists. Although Taiwan has the second most powerful lobby after Israel on Capitol Hill, and basically everyone is in the pocket of both AIPAC and the Taiwan Lobby, Taiwan does not want war in any formThe financiers and lobbyists in Taiwan want big military spending (for the US and Taiwan) so they can make fortunes selling semiconductors and componants for use in weapons systems. They are not, however, suicidal.

They have close ties with all sorts of factions in China and those ties are growing stronger. Moreover, the Chinese have been quietly buying up the stock for Taiwanese supercomputer giants like TSMC and finding other ways to get the message across that Taiwan is not going to be taken over so easily.

That reality has led to a major rethinking of the situation in the Pentagon and a move towards a new approach of giving Beijing its “Ukraine” via the Korean Peninsula.

I am not suggesting that this scheme will work, but it is being pursued seriously. Why? Because South Korea is headed by President Yoon Suk Yeol, a militarist corrupt president who was literally created and propped up by the military industrial complex from the start. Recently all the news is about how he has been impeached

He was impeached because he declared martial law, tried to arrest the members of the National Assembly who opposed him as North Korean spies, and gave orders to military intelligence to use drones to attack North Korea and create a massive incident that was intended to be the start of the war that the generals have failed to stir up in Taiwan.

He is far from going to jail. In fact, the current crisis is being used to position him as a messiah figure for the far right.

More importantly, the orders for martial law and attacks on North Korea did not come from a “crazy” Yoon, but from the men behind the curtain in the Pentagon.

Most tellingly, although Trump is saying something crazy about just about everone and everything, he is totally silent about the one leader who is closest to Trump in his goals and his methods, President Yoon of South Korea. You would think Trump would be leading the defense of his greatest potential ally in the effort to demonize China.

That silence raises a lot of questions, and leads me to conclude that there is already a plan at Mar a Lago to put Yoon back in power, to crack down on all opposition in South Korea, and to launch provocative strikes (perhaps covert) that will lead to a war, or hybrid war, with North Korea. That war will not be aimed at North Korea, which is already half run by agents of the US military and sends up missiles to justify raises in military spending on demand. No, that war with North Korea will be designed so as to drag China into quicksand.

3) Starlink and Starshield’s War on Humanity Via the Poisonous Electromagnetic Cloud

Everyone in any position of authority in the Trump administration is committed to promoting the launch of 30,000 or more low-orbit satellites through StarLink and Star Shield that will be positioned to subject everyone in the world to variable doses of electromagnetic radiation from above. The whole plan is illegal, unconstitutional and immoral. But everyone is keeping their mouths shut, and a lot of “conservative” and “libertarian” paid agents are praising Musk as the champion of “free speech.”

The scale of the crime is incredible, and it could surpass the Covid Reign of Terror in its implications.

The constant attack on our nervous systems, our brains, and our environment (which is supplemented by 5G towers) by these satellites will be carried out slowly over several years so that few will even notice that they are being subject to the next version of COVID 19 genocide. Those who try to draw a connection between these satellites and the increased stupidity of citizens will be dismissed as conspiracy theorists—in fact they are already being dismissed.

Already 5G has been quite successful, along with the algorisms governing social media, search engines, Twitter, Facebook,and TikTok, in dumbing down vast sections of the population and inducing robotic thinking.

But the current plans of SpaceX (which is the Trogan horse for a military assault on humanity) will be even more devastating.

Musk, by the way, is an idiot and an egomaniac. He does not make any of these plans and he does not have that much money. He is just the front man for a massive final solution con job by a team of billionaires, specifically I am referring to [redacted for reasons of national security].


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Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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