Is 2025 to be the Year That Billionaires, Bandits and the Blind Rule the Earth? - Counter Information


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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Is 2025 to be the Year That Billionaires, Bandits and the Blind Rule the Earth?

Global Research, February 08, 2025

In an age of gross materialism the grossest materialists are set to grab the helm and steer the world according to the view they see from their gilded thrones.

This is a reversion to an era of kings, czars and dictators, now refashioned for the digital age. An age when a significant part of the population can no longer activate their brain cells – but do not seem to object to having them linked to something ‘smart’ instead.

While an indoctrinated sub species of intelligent man is ‘sat-naving’ its way through a toxic diet of virtual reality and smart phone paralysis, national/global power is being stolen by wealth and cunning. 

And its within the setting of this programmed and preoccupied population that billionaires – and other would be despots with a flair for politics –  have the perfect base from which to exercise their financial muscle.

Essentially they buy power, or buy their way into it. It’s only a very small minority who won’t accept their bribes. And for much of the population, such wheeler-dealings have become a form of entertainment – with onlookers indulging themselves in such unholy political spectacles.

However, this does not necessarily mean that such leaders may not occasionally display some sort of reforming zeal. There may be such moments. A ‘benign’ dictator can be better than a vicious democrat. But it’s a chimera, only a little sweetening of an otherwise distinctly bitter pill.

The mega-wealth of these individuals must be measured relative to states of abject poverty that exist in every country of the world. 

This is when one sees just how sick a disparity really manifests itself on our planet. 

It is reported that Donald Trump has picked thirteen billionaires to fill his various government posts. Led by big time billionaire Elon Musk, of course.

Do they all share the goal of ‘Making America Great Again’? And if so, what kind of greatness might this be? Was America ever great?

A significant part of The American Dream has always been the rags to riches “anyone can do it” propaganda line. So the humble road sweeper can make it to millionaire status and on to billionaire, by sheer will power and a riveted fixation on reversing his sense of suffering from ‘lowly status syndrome’.

That’s pretty much the end game of human existence according to the protagonists of ‘The Dream’.

Money – and lot’s of it – is the be and end all point of concentration for those who lack a sense of greater meaning to life than that of ‘having’ – just about whatever they want. Acquiring the ego driven status of ‘being moneyed’ is a large part of this.

Having is essentially the opposite of being. It replaces spiritual aspiration by material obsession.

The image is of God as supreme owner and controller of the material world and its people.

A pathway to heaven made of dollars, with heaven itself only considered reachable by every material desire becoming realisable at the flick of a finger or a switch.

So the coterie of thirteen US billionaires who will work with Trump and Musk to ‘make America great again’ will likely share exactly the same love of power and the same determination to make money grow on trees.

Not for the purpose of re-balancing and distributing such wealth in favor of a sane, just and humanitarian world, but as a symbol of the ego’s all embracing need to be thoroughly satiated.

And particularly the American ego, of course. For it is strictly ‘America’ that must be made great again, is it not? 

The world must once again fall at the feet of ‘America’. For only the USA can lead us to the promised land where heavenly, well armed dollars, grow wherever one’s eyes come to rest.

The word ‘great’ has been devalued to have no other meaning than unfettered hegemony, in Trump’s simplistic global world view. Do whatever is necessary to keep the wealth and power ambition going – and the people fully addicted to the realization of ‘the dream’.

The billionaires are forming an exclusive club. They need each other to keep the dream alive. To reinforce the ideal of materialistic ambition at a time when its singular monopolisation of daily life is finally coming into question – on a scale that could mean trouble to the narcissistic kings and queens of globalist greed.

After all, thirteen billionaires working together, can buy ‘democracy’ and transform it into autocracy. This is every ego obsessed politician’s dream. Oligarch Musk wants to do it on his own.

A form of rule which allows no alternative to its say-so – while giving free reign to the chattering masses to let off steam by having their rants on Musk’s X social media platform. A tried and tested formula especially effective in times of socioeconomic insecurity and general anxiety of what lies ahead.

Russia’s Politburo and the State Council of the People’s Republic of China operate to a similar formula, but have in place a mechanism for making it seem as though the people have at least made some form of choice.

The Council of the European Union is also a thinly disguised version of the same school.

In reality, it is a supranational expression of the fourth Reich.

Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum Great Reset was created to globally enforce the same mind numbing medicine. So that “you will own nothing and you will be happy” leaves the ownership of everything in the hands of the cabal.

Once again we see that ‘ownership of everything’ is the goal of the blinkered god of the spiritually bankrupt and clinically insane materialist. 

When the world is not enough, the Universe becomes the next target.

At that rate, there will soon be nothing left to the honor of the Supreme Source who started it all going and of whom we humans are the true progeny.

For the mad, only artificial intelligence and dollar bills have godly qualities.

This is the delusional condition of the megalomaniac; and by default, those who cling to a life of sterile mediocrity as their salvation from having to think, be and do.

It all has net zero rational credibility of course, but is nevertheless the reality of life on earth in 2025.

In the meantime, politically engaged citizens of the world are presented with a fait accompli. A choice between billionaire despots and non billionaire despots, technocrats and dictators. Barring a few exceptions, ‘democracy’ had already succumbed to the underlying influence of these forces pretty much since its inception.

Its shortcomings having been ruthlessly exploited, because rule ‘of the people, by the people, for the people’ never actually excited ‘the people’ enough to collectively take control of their destinies.

Still today, most prefer to pass the power to rule to others – so as to have as little to do with it as possible.

Is it any wonder that we have landed up having ever diminishing control over who usurps the political throne or what they do when they get there?

A long term drift into passivity and indifference has marked out the human race as a species gone into reverse.

Not all, fortunately. There IS resistance to the dystopian agenda of the cult that manages these puppet rulers and ensures their conformity to the tunnel vision blueprint which is their bible.

This resistance is building. And so, on a whole other level, is an energetic karmic reaction also.

Man, nature and the Universe are intrinsically interconnected. If a large proportion of mankind turns away from its true (natural) course of development in body, mind and spirit, so too on a cosmic level, will there be a reaction to this disequilibrium. A form of vibratory alert being telegraphed throughout the Universe.

The same goes for earth (Gaia). Earth is a sentient, intelligent being in its own right. As quantum physics reveals, so also are every one of our human body’s thirteen million cells.

Both are put on a defensive mode when we go seriously off course humanly, spiritually and physically. 

To survive, they must prepare themselves for ‘resistance’. Their instinct is to live: creatively, intelligently and lovingly. But they cannot do this while under attack, or under the influence of continuous repression and distortion.

Today this crisis manifests simultaneously on all fronts, humanly, earthly and cosmically.

We have allowed the development of psychopathic, dictatorial tendencies to reach the heights they occupy today. Decades of passivity have left the door wide open for psychopaths and demons to go on the rampage. To vampire life’s energetic essence, leading to a draining of ‘the will to fight’ in humanity.

No more. Let 2025 be known as the year we turned all this around and assumed the responsibility for Life that we were gifted by the Supreme Consciousness. 

Responsibility for our own lives and the life of the greater metaphysical world to which we are married; like it or not.

There is no other organic expression of what it means ‘to be alive’ than to courageously defend the sanctity of wisdom, justice and truth. To stand determinedly upright against all perverse acts of exploitation and repression.


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Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, a writer, international activist and broadcaster. See website for information about Julian’s acclaimed book Overcoming the Robotic Mind and other works. Books can be purchased by contacting Julian direct: see ‘contact author’ under ‘reviews’.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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