Nothing Changes on New Year’s Day – The Lies of the Devastators - Counter Information


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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Nothing Changes on New Year’s Day – The Lies of the Devastators

Global Research, December 31, 2024

As new year 2025 approaches I remember the Irish rock band U2 sang in their 1983 song ‘New Year’s Day’:

“And so we’re told this is the golden age 

 And gold is the reason for the wars we wage 

 Though I want to be with you, be with you night and day 

 Nothing changes on New Year’s Day” 

Chaos marks this world, yet it appears we live in an unchangeable system, an underlying matrix of institutional, political, and financial control.

Consider the events of recent years: a fake pandemic, orchestrated wars, communism under a cloak of bogus climate change policy and UN Agenda 2030, etc. Meanwhile, corporate controlled news pushes a freedom-killing agenda building a deceptive jail house for the mind. One could be forgiven for thinking we have been living on a prison planet.

The UN, the World Health Organisation, the World Economic Forum (also known as the Davos Group), the World Bank, the US Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg group, etc. are international unelected unaccountable organisations, and are all parts of the one politico-corporate institutional power base that was established by the financial powers that intentionally orchestrated the mass death and destruction that was World War II. This Censored History is evidenced by over 100 historical books on the subject that you won’t find in your local bookstore or library.

These structures act as implementation and marketing tools for the agendas of a group of power-hungry financial devastators that have assumed control of almost everything via control of the money creation system. All these institutions, at the top level, are just clever political mechanisms for implementing and maintaining a corrupt worldwide system of power and control, under the clever guise of ‘fixing the problems of the world’. 

Analysis in this book indicates that this super structure is majority owned and controlled by a cartel of privately owned mega-banks. All national governments are dependent on this international banking/financial cartel for debt-money loans, i.e., and are thus subservient to the source of debt-money creation; and are ideologically and politically subservient to the super-structure.

The revolving door of national politics is simply a meaningless election of who will be the next manager of a ‘national corporation’ that does not have the interests of the people at heart – quite the opposite. The harsh reality is that all governments are simply registered corporations, parts of this world corporate-communist matrix. Elected politicians are little more than temporary cogs in that system. The instructions come externally from the EU, the UN, et al., and the behind the scenes ‘ulteriors’.

What Is a ‘Devastator’? A Lie So Big It Devastates and Bewilders 

book I read recently describes the corruption and outright lies within a certain lesser-known religious institution/corporation. The author described a ‘devastator’ as a lie so big it devastates and bewilders. It appears to me this world has become inundated by such devastators. Devils have tried to convince the world that what is illusory is actually reality – they are dishonest, they are the great pretenders, and the murderers of intelligence. 

The cheated are told they must worship the big lies. However, such ignorance of the truth is punching your ticket on a train to nowhere. Bogus godless science is part of this ideological hegemony. The unpalatable reality is that economic and scientific tricks (see also the book Godless Fake Science) are used by this new world order group to increase their economic power/control over a world society. These tricks include fake climate science; and a virology wrong turn conveniently used to launch bogus pandemics and foist vaccine mandates worldwide. There are many ‘devastator’ lies, for example, the devils also empowered the huge multi-billion dollar bluff of landing on the moon.

Communist control ideology; monopoly capitalism; along with corporate, banking, political, and media control, and are the everyday tools of this group. The private groups that hijacked the process of money creation itself over a century ago have been funding, or defunding, whatever agenda they choose. The world private banking cartel has fashioned a dominator matrix of control and ideological subversion. This dictatorship of words spans government, banking, corporate media, education, geo-politics, and the corporate/economic world. The misplaced belief in government authority has replaced belief in original divine authority. There are countless ways in which free people can easily work for the mutual benefit of themselves and society without governments and corporations getting in the way. 

Democracy Will Not Make Things Better

Modern democracy will not make things better – it is a divide and conquer/control trick. The real power lies with the money masters, beyond the revolving door of elected politicians. Democracy is there to provide talking points and mirages. The world doesn’t work that way, and the ruling factions know it, that’s why they love the ‘democratic’ parties of the media manufactured ‘left and right’ fighting against each other. Divide et impera = democracy! Representative democracy under the current debt-money system, is an illusion, it is a road to nowhere – it is money that controls the world. Over the decades the financial power of the money-masters translated into political power. 

The democratic system is broken and unfixable because those that control the money creation process wield the power to control the corporate media, steer international political policy and own the material world, regardless of which political party is elected, or which system is utilized (capitalism, socialism, communism, etc). The left versus right divide is a divide created and fostered by financialists who control both the so-called left and the so-called right.  The real divide is not left versus right, it is between the manipulators and the manipulated, between the power seeker and the freedom lovers. 

In these times, democracy is just the election of the latest political figure heads, the ins-become-the-outs and the outs-become-the-ins, none of whom have any real power. Many are subservient to, not the people, but to ‘special financial interests’. If they were to actually declare these interests their suits they would be chequered with certain logos and symbols. 

People have been conditioned to participate in democratic elections, which amount to begging the ulterior authorities to please be nicer. Arguing over which political party puppet should be in power is pointless. The cogs may be replaced, but the same wheels keeps turning. As U2 sang “Nothing Changes on New Year’s Day”.

[Aside: There is another major flaw in majority-rules democracy i.e., why should the majority have the right to make rules for the minority? It becomes even more dangerous when the majority have been led to believe in false ideologies by a corporate owned media. This amounts to a divide and conquer system.]

Without God It Is Just the Blind Leading the Blind

The CO2-induced climate change hoax, and the Covid hoax are just the episodes of a long running program, the program of the cheaters and the cheated. When realisation hits, one could be forgiven for thinking there is a satanic consciousness directing world governments. Those souls that went along with the deceptive narrative accepted ‘government’ and ‘modern science (infused with fake science)’ as their gods. The only problem is these are false gods. It follows that the actual sincere seekers and devotees of God should not naively trust the official government narrative, or blindly accept the so-called remedial measures to the fake climate catastrophe, or the next fake virus pandemic that ‘requires’ you to take another jab. 

In our own life-time we have lived under a political hierarchy, which though pertaining to be made of individual and autonomous nation states, is actually a one world government controlled by the world banking cartel and its mega-corporations. All nations states are corporations and are thus simply part of the one world government superstructure, see also this book. 

Through various networks, servants of the government matrix are placed in positions of leadership, power, and influence, and then enact laws that allow society to become degraded, weak, easily controllable, and unable to perceive the nature of their material and spiritual captivity. Our living reality has been co-opted into a godless political world regime. 

The challenge runs deeper than government, for many have also accepted bogus and corrupted religious institutions that have claimed to be the representatives of God, the self-appointed middle-men between the individual and God. For the cheated the result is spiritual bankruptcy under the guise of real religion, see also this book.

The 5,000-year-old Vedic scripture the Bhagavad Gita states the world is in ‘kali-yuga’, an era of degradation in which demons are in control of the planet, but that we have now entered a time, a ‘golden age’, in which truth can flourish. Bypassing what is bogus can only be part of our ultimate self-interest. Real change for the better can occur and such change surely begins within ourself. 

It appears to me that without God it is just the blind leading the blind. There are, of course, differing conceptions, and interpretations, of ‘God’ in the world today. These conceptions may vary depending on time, place, upbringing, and circumstance. Yet God, the creator, must be a father to us all, and God-conscious eternal souls know that they are children of God alone, and that God is the real authority. 


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Author: Reality Books

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Featured image is from The Last American Vagabond

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