Our Children Have a Right to a Decent Future - Counter Information


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Monday, February 8, 2021

Our Children Have a Right to a Decent Future


Give Youth a Chance!

Global Research, February 08, 2021

George Orwell’s famous quote “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear” comes from the preface of his dystopian fable “Animal Farm: A Fairy Story” published in August 1945.

The silent majority of citizens worldwide will agree with the author that our children have a right to a decent future. However, they will not want to hear that by their silence they are denying our youth today a future worth living. The cause is their belief in and allegiance to authority, which leads to total spiritual obedience, paralysis of the mind and doing nothing.

What the rebellious generation of 68 reproached their fathers for, that they had willingly submitted to a dictator and a tyranny, is happening again three generations later. And again, only a small group of courageous and awakened citizens is resisting – and the vast majority is asleep and silent.

Speaking into the wind

Since the beginning of the long-planned fear pandemic in the early 2020s, independent and respected international researchers and renowned personalities have pointed out that there is no medical problem, but only a political one. A global criminal elite has set itself the goal of terrifying humanity with the help of bought politicians and their corporate media in order to force them into absolute obedience. Some of these methods have been tested by secret services with “success”.

The rigidity of fear of many people enables this small group of billionaires and so-called philanthropists to push through the long-planned plans of a “New World Order” and a “4th Industrial Revolution” against the civilian population without any significant resistance – with unforeseen negative consequences for us citizens. The “embedded” mass media not only do not allow these honest enlightened people with their opinions differing from the mainstream to have their say, but they also ridicule them as conspiracy theorists and enemies of democracy.

What kind of future humanity has to expect if they do not succeed in stopping this madness can be read and listened to by anyone interested in the freely accessible alternative internet platforms. Among others, the “Neue Rheinische Zeitung (NRhZ)”, “Rubikon” and “Global Research (GR)” from Canada should be mentioned.

There is no doubt that the planned new world will be one in which neither we ourselves nor our youth want to live. It is to be a slave life that can only be endured by immobilising future humanity through propaganda or brainwashing or through pharmacological methods, thereby stifling any desire for rebellion. Aldous Huxley described this future impressively and far into the future in his essay “Brave New World”.

Due to the aforementioned attitudes and behaviour of the vast majority, free spirits have a very difficult time making their dissenting opinions heard by fellow human beings. The mechanisms of the partly unconscious inner resistance of the authority-seeking fellow citizens are manifold and almost insurmountable. Their arguments, excuses, suspicions and behaviour are reminiscent of stories from the time of European fascism.

The long-held trust in long-established and secure friendships suddenly no longer holds; one turns a deaf ear, buries one’s head in the sand, knows better, belittles, makes the other person look contemptible, slanders him or her – and so on and so forth. Much is therefore said to the wind. How can solidarity-based resistance build up in this crazy mix?

The countless owners of small and medium-sized businesses and shops alone, as well as the neglected nursing home residents, the lonely, depressed and suicidal children, youths and adults, and many impartial nurses and youth psychiatrists know what is being talked about and are grateful for every solidary voice and support.

The capacity for suffering of the silent majority is great

Those fellow citizens who remain silent out of fear or political opportunism and at the same time place themselves morally above the free enlighteners are very accommodating to the corrupt politicians. Most of the time, they also vociferously support their illegal ordinances such as the deprivation of liberty. In order to survive the current fear pandemic as intact as possible, they do not want to attract attention, comply with the most insane orders of the politicians and medicine men and go along with every madness.

According to a whistleblower, members of the global criminal elite are said to have smugly and contentedly remarked that forbearance and the ability to suffer – especially of the German – population are very great. Therefore, they conclude, one can increase the speed with which the diabolical plans are implemented.

Only then, when the members of the self-sufficient silent majority are caught up personally and directly by the politically imposed coercive measures, will the awakening process slowly begin. But then it may be too late. The past dictatorships have actually made this clear to us. But we are all world champions in suppressing and fading out unpleasant world-historical events of the past and easily fall prey to mental amnesia.

What are the causes of this capacity for suffering to the detriment of our youth?

Have we, out of fear, laziness or cowardice, lost common sense or the courage to use our own minds without the guidance of another? Or has religious and authoritarian education led to this reflex of absolute spiritual obedience and paralysis of the mind?

Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order, wrote an illuminating text in the mid-16th century to which the German word “Kadavergehorsam” can be traced:

“We should be aware that each one of those who live in obedience must allow himself to be led and guided by divine Providence by means of the superior, as if he were a dead body to be taken wherever and treated in whatever way, or like the staff of an old man to serve wherever and for whatever the wants to use him (1).”

But man can recognise himself and come to consciousness of what prevents him from saying no to tyranny and lawlessness. This means reflecting and discovering what special strengths and powers lie dormant in him and how these can be used for the common good.

One could also reflect on attitudes that severely limit one’s life and consider whether, with the help of friends or psychological experts, it would not be better to cast doubt on them and replace them with more conducive views. This could give our youth a real chance at a humane future worth living.


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Dr. Rudolf Hänsel is a graduate psychologist and educationalist.


(1) https://de.wikipedia.org./wiki/kadavergehorsam; see also Hänsel, R. (2020). Handing over power to no one! A psychological manifesto of common sense. Gornji Milanovac. ISBN 978-86-7432-119-5. The “Neue Rheinische Zeitung NRhZ” published the entire text in three installments. An abridged version was also published in the NRhZ and additionally in “Rubikon” as well as in English in “Global Research” (www.globalresearch.ca).


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