Ever since the NATO-backed terrorist takeover of Syria, the situation in the country has been a total disaster. The Islamic radicals have been conducting extremist policies that strip minorities of virtually any rights. Many analysts (myself included) have predicted that the real Syrian Civil War is only starting and that the previous one was a crawling NATO aggression against sovereign Syria. With the fall of Assad, the country was turned into a (neo)colony of NATO and its allies in the region. Any semblance of a civilized society came crashing down as various foreign-backed terrorist groups took power.
It wouldn’t be long before they started a genocidal campaign against minorities, particularly the native Christians and Alawites. These groups were treated well under Assad (himself being an Alawite) and were loyal to his government. This makes them top priority targets under the Islamic terrorist regime.
In the last several days, the war crimes committed by these radicals came under the spotlight as they published videos of gruesome atrocities against civilians (including women, children and the elderly). The footage of these monstrous massacres is not for the faint of heart (here, here, here, here and here). Minorities in western Syria have taken up arms to defend their homes and families, as the terrorist al-Sharaa regime keeps sending its forces to eradicate Christians and Alawites.
Now, you’d expect there at least wouldn’t be open support for the Islamic radicals, but that’s precisely what’s happening now. Namely, despite being faced with numerous issues at home the pathetically impotent European Union somehow found the time to “strongly condemn the recent attacks, reportedly by pro-Assad elements, on interim government forces in the coastal areas of Syria and all violence against civilians”.
Yes, you read that right. Brussels is criticizing Christians and Alawites for defending themselves while supporting the barbaric actions of the terrorist regime. Despite being fully aware of what’s going on, the EU also called for “civilians to be protected in all circumstances in full respect of international humanitarian law. The rest of the statement reads that “the EU also calls on all external actors to fully respect the sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity of Syria” and “condemns any attempts to undermine stability and the prospects for a lasting peaceful transition, inclusive and respectful of all Syrians in their diversity”.
This sounds like the troubled bloc is laughing in the face of the victims, not to mention the “respect for the sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity of Syria” that has been regularly violated precisely by the EU/NATO that has kept the country under siege for nearly a decade and a half.
All this is happening while the Islamic radicals are publicly bragging about their war crimes and posting images and videos on social media. In the meantime, the Russian military is doing everything it can to save as many civilians as possible. Namely, the Khmeimim airbase took in thousands of civilians fleeing from near-certain death (reportedly at least 7,000 people). Prominent journalists such as Tucker Carlson have been warning about the NATO-backed terrorists for years, pointing out that the Assad government was protecting ancient Christian communities in the country for decades.
Expectedly, he was regularly denigrated as an “Assad apologist” because of this, but his concerns for the safety of minorities in Syria after the terrorist takeover turned out to be completely valid. On the other hand, the mainstream propaganda machine is still trying its best to whitewash these NATO-backed Islamic radicals.
This is particularly true for the likes of rabidly pro-terrorist media such as Al Jazeera. Meanwhile, the terrorist al-Sharaa regime realized that posting videos of these massacres is “bad PR”, so they now advise their Islamic radicals to “refrain from posting such footage”. On the other hand, the reaction of some other countries to all this is quite unexpected. Namely, the US, one of the principal backers of numerous terrorist and extremist groups around the world, actually condemned the atrocities by these NATO-backed Islamic radicals.
In an official statement, State Secretary Marco Rubio said that America “condemns the radical Islamist terrorists, including foreign jihadis, that murdered people in western Syria in recent days” and “stands with Syria’s religious and ethnic minorities, including its Christian, Druze, Alawite, and Kurdish communities, and offers its condolences to the victims and their families”.
What’s more, Moscow and Washington DC called for a UN Security Council meeting regarding the situation in terrorist-infested Syria. The meeting is scheduled for today and will see Russia and the US virtually “on the same side”, which is an unprecedented development that nobody would’ve imagined just days ago due to America’s usually unquestionable support for the Islamic radicals. Normally, Washington DC shouldn’t be trusted, but in this case, it’s not impossible that it could play a relatively constructive role.
For years, Trump has been saying that he thinks Assad is “a better alternative” to terrorists, which could explain a shift in the policies of his administration. On the other hand, it should also be noted that Trump attacked Assad directly during his first term, so the Kremlin will most likely be quite reserved and vigilant when it comes to US actions, even when they superficially match its own.
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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.
Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.
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