
Where did Nazi Germany get its oil from?
This outstanding article by Indrajit Samarajiva describes the historical role of Field Marshal Zhukov in leading the Red Army against Nazi Germany’s Invasion of the Soviet Union:
“For most of the war, 75–80 percent of the Wehrmacht had to be deployed in the East, a preponderance dictated by the sheer size of the front, and 80 percent of German war dead perished there.”
The Unspoken Question: An operation of this magnitude required a steady supply of oil
While Germany was able to transform coal into fuel, this synthetic production was insufficient. Moreover, Romania’s Ploesti oil resources (under Nazi control until 1944) were minimal. Nazi Germany largely depended on oil shipments from US Standard Oil.
The Attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941) occurred barely six months after the launching of Operation Barbarossa (July 1941). The United States enters World War II, declaring war on Japan and the axis countries.
Trading with the Enemy legislation (1917) officially implemented following America’s entry into World War II did not prevent Standard Oil of New Jersey from selling oil to Nazi Germany. This despite the Senate 1942 investigation of US Standard Oil.
While direct US oil shipments were curtailed, Standard Oil would sell US oil through third countries. US oil was shipped to occupied France through Switzerland, and from France it was shipped to Germany:
“… for the duration of the Second World War, Standard Oil, under deals Teagle had overseen, continued to supply Nazi Germany with oil. The shipments went through Spain, Vichy France’s colonies in the West Indies, and Switzerland.”
It should be noted that a large share of Nazi Germany’s oil requirements was met by shipments out of Venezuela which at the time was a de facto US colony.
John D. Rockefeller Jr. owned a controlling interest in the Standard Oil corporation, but the next largest stockholder was the German chemical company I. G. Farben, through which the firm sold $20 million worth of gasoline and lubricants to the Nazis. And the Venezuelan branch of that company sent 13,000 tons of crude oil to Germany each month, which the Third Reich’s robust chemical industry immediately converted into gasoline.
Without those oil shipments instrumented by Standard Oil and the Rockefellers, Nazi Germany would not have been able to carry out Operation Barbarossa.
Without fuel, the Third Reich’s eastern front under Operation Barbarossa would most probably not have taken place, saving millions of lives.
The Franklin D. Roosevelt administration could have adopted severe sanctions against Standard Oil with a firm decision to enforce a blockade against Nazi Germany.
The US was not committed to peace: Washington’s unspoken objective was not only to destroy the Soviet Union, it also consisted in undermining Britain’s role as an imperial power.
While America liberated Western Europe in June 1944, the unspoken truth is that American corporations actively collaborated with Nazi Germany:
“Standard Oil of New Jersey — today’s Exxon — developed intimate links with the German trust IG Farben. By the early 1930s, an élite of about twenty of the largest American corporations had a German connection including Du Pont, Union Carbide, Westinghouse, General Electric, Gilette, Goodrich, Singer, Eastman Kodak, Coca-Cola, IBM, and ITT.
Finally, many American law firms, investment companies, and banks were deeply involved in America’s investment offensive in Germany, among them the renowned Wall Street law firm Sullivan & Cromwell, and the banks J. P. Morgan and Dillon, Read and Company, as well as the Union Bank of New York, owned by Brown Brothers & Harriman.
The Union Bank was intimately linked with the financial and industrial empire of German steel magnate Thyssen, whose financial support enabled Hitler to come to power. This bank was managed by Prescott Bush, grandfather of George W. Bush. Prescott Bush was allegedly also an eager supporter of Hitler”. (J. Pauwels, 2004)
Documented by Dr. Jaques Pauwels, it must be understood that without the support of Standard Oil of New Jersey (Exxon) –which delivered oil to Nazi Germany from 1939 to 1945–, the Third Reich would not have been able to wage World War II: more specifically without a steady delivery of gasoline, Nazi Germany would not have been able launch Operation Barbarossa against the Soviet Union.
Let us be under no illusions, Without the oil shipments instrumented by US Standard Oil and its subsidiaries, Nazi Germany’s imperial design could not have been undertaken.
You cannot wage a war without fuel.
America’s unspoken objective was to destroy the Soviet Union.
Michel Chossudovsky, December 7, 2024
World War II and the Eastern Front. “Zhukov’s Revenge”.
Who Defeated Nazi Germany in 1945?
Indrajit Samarajiva
They say that those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it. They should just say history repeats. Here we are in 2024, doing the Battles of Kursk and Ukraine all over. America not only does not remember history, they have rewritten it so much that the past is palimpsest. A scroll so scrubbed out and overwritten with fables about privates that they’ve lost the names of great generals. Like Marshal Georgy Zhukov, Hero of the Soviet Union.
Zhukov, more than any man besides Joseph Stalin, won World War II. Their Red Army killed the most Nazis and sacrificed the most, by far. As even the Western WWII Museum said,
“For most of the war, 75–80 percent of the Wehrmacht had to be deployed in the East, a preponderance dictated by the sheer size of the front, and 80 percent of German war dead perished there.”
While the Western Allies were firebombing and nuking civilians, the Red Army was engaging and destroying the enemy army, the Clausewitzian point of war.
The USSR’s sacrifice and success was widely known at the time and only become unknown (in the western world) through relentless post-war propaganda efforts. The most amount of World War II propaganda was deployed after the war, to make western populations think they won it, and that their imperialist governments were the good guys, while actually taking up the white man’s burden from Hitler.
You can see the effects of this propaganda in polling, or perhaps observe them in your brain if this is news to you.
data via IFOP polling
As Andrei Martyanov said (referencing a 2015 survey)
“an overwhelming majority of the American public, 55%, think the US contributed the most to the defeat of Germany with only 11% thinking it was Soviet Union, as one of many similar polls testify. If those astonishing numbers are not the result of propaganda, one is then forced to contemplate how, other than due to propaganda, such a complete obliviousness to the basic facts of WWII could have been achieved.”
You can see the same polling results from still occupied (by America) France, and also how they changed over time (above).
It is always a mistake to believe your own propaganda. As Biggie said, never get high on your own supply. This misunderstanding of history is a big reason why the West is blundering into war with Russia. They underestimate their enemy and overestimate themselves, which leads to ruin. Those who do not learn from history, yadda yadda. Americans actually think that their magic technology and small invasionary force won World War II, and it was not so. These were contributing factors, certainly, but not causal. Yet America has followed this false history of force-light/tech-heavy war into numerous losses since, from Vietnam to Afghanistan to Ukraine right now.
But don’t take my word for it. In this exceedingly long post (still shorter than the book) I will quote directly from Marshal Zhukov’s memoirs (Reminiscences and Reflections – Vol. 2), which are both fascinating and hard to find. Note that I start from the very end of the book, when the war is effectively over. The first part is too depressing and I also couldn’t find my highlighter.
The Main Man
Zhukov’s memoirs were written partly because the war had been misremembered so badly. As he said,
Unfortunately, after the war, when the surviving Hitlerite generals and some prominent military figures from among our former Allies began to flood the book market with their reminiscences, such objective assessments of the events of World War II have become increasingly scarce while the distortion of facts and insinuation have come to be a frequent occurrence. The most overzealous ones even went so far as to allege that it was not the Red Army that had helped the Americans in their battles in the Ardennes but the Americans who had saved the Red Army.
To try and correct this, Zhukov talks about both the Soviet victory in the war and the Allied betrayal afterwards. Zhukov was there and he brings receipts, written in blood. Zhukov is dead and modern Americans are braindead, but we can still learn something from his reflections for academic purposes. Specifically, these three general lessons.
- Nazis bad
- Soviets won
- Americans 🤝🏻 Nazis
Nazis Bad
It goes without saying that Nazis are bad, which is actually a problem. Nazism has become the dumping ground for all white guilt, enabling them to continue to sin and even lecture. Hitler has become the European Anti-Christ, he died for their sins, so they could sin some more. The truth is that Hitler (if you skim Mein Kampf) simply wanted what other Europeans had, colonial territories to exploit as horrifically as they wanted. As Aime Césaire said,
“At bottom, what [white men] cannot forgive Hitler for is not crime in itself … it is the fact that he applied to Europe colonialist procedures which until then had been reserved exclusively for the Arabs of Algeria, the coolies of India, and the n — of Africa.”
Since the real continents were largely taken and since Hitler seemed afraid of water, Hitler simply colonized where he could, Eastern Europe, AKA Far-West Asia. In Mein Kampf, Hitlers primary target was Slavic lands, up to Russia. That’s where the Lebensraum was. This was not some murderous anomaly thought up by a madman. It was just European colonialism extended to Europe.
While the Nazis slaughtered Jews, Romani, the disabled, and the otherwise undesirable recreationally, the professional mission of the Wehrmacht (the German army, still) was killing Russians and communists, which they did in the greatest numbers. This has been erased by western post-war propaganda (because they also like killing Russians and communists) but is quite apparent in the numbers themselves.
Zhukov’s memoirs detail these losses in great detail but, I must admit, I skimmed those parts because I find them too sad. The USSR got absolutely clobbered from 1941-1943 (until the Battle of Stalingrad) and even the long Nazi retreat after that was a lot of scorched earth and scarred people. I start my quotations from the point the war was effectively won, but what were they winning? It was a victory of such great loss.
The Nazis were incredibly nasty. As Zhukov observed, “Leaving Warsaw, they demolished the Polish capital completely, and annihilated the people en masse.” This was standard operating procedure. The Germans starved captured soldiers to death in concentration camps, were brutal occupiers, and burnt, murdered, and tortured with wanton brutality. As Zhukov also said,
“Our troops liberated the prisoners of the Maidanek death camp, where the Nazis had murdered one and a half million people, including old men, women and children. What the eyewitnesses told me was terrifying. The fascist atrocities later were made known to the whole world, and were declared grave crimes against humanity.”
As Zhukov described, citing contemporaneous reports (again describing Warsaw),
After the Military Council of the Front had looked over the ravaged city, it reported to the Supreme Commander [Stalin]:
“The fascist barbarians have destroyed Warsaw, capital of Poland. With sadistic cruelty the Hitlerites demolished one block of houses after another. The largest industrial enterprises have been razed to the ground. Houses have been either blown up or burnt down. The municipal economy is disrupted. Thousands upon thousands of civilians have been exterminated, the rest driven out. It is a dead city.”
Listening to people from Warsaw tell about Nazi atrocities during the occupation and especially before the retreat, one found it hard to understand the psychology and moral character of the enemy.
Remember that this all came well after the war was strategically lost for the Germans. They didn’t have to do it and it was also a waste of resources they needed to defend their own homeland. German efficiency is a misnomer, it’s not just all the lives and land they laid waste to, they wasted their own energy and resources on extraneous evil. There is something deeply deficient in their character, as Zhukov observed, and as we can observe today (they’re genociding again, in Gaza). The Germans seem to do genocide at least once a century. We should really take that country apart until we figure out what’s going on. As Zhukov said after the end of the war,
After the war, progressive-minded people hoped that the great powers of the world would learn the lessons of history, that Germany would develop on a democratic basis and German militarism and fascism would be uprooted. But matters took this course only in Eastern Germany—where the German Democratic Republic was later to emerge.
Well, that didn’t happen. Should have never put that country back together. Saying ‘Nazis bad’ is not sufficient, German itself is bad, and soon enough the distinction will be irrelevant (they’re going Nazi again).
The treatment Hitler meted out to the USSR is uncannily like what ‘Israel’ is doing to Palestine, with full German support. As Zhukov said (citing Hitler himself),
And what were Hitler’s plans for the Soviet people?
In preparing for the capture of Moscow, Hitler issued a directive which I want to recall once again:
“The city must be encircled so that not a single Russian soldier, not a single inhabitant—man, woman or child—can escape. Every attempt to leave is to be suppressed by force. The necessary preparations must be carried out so that Moscow and its suburbs are flooded with water with the help of immense installations. The site of what is today Moscow must become a sea which will forever conceal the capital of the Russian people from the civilized world.”
No better fate lay in store for Leningrad.
“In the case of all other towns,” said Hitler, “the rule should hold that prior to their occupation they should be reduced to ruins by artillery fire and by air raids.”
This is precisely what happened to Gaza (down to the aborted plans for flooding). Everything above ground has been reduced to ruin and no man, woman, or child can get out. This is being done with the full support of the combined western allies. Ze Germans are at it again. This is why it’s incorrect to view the Nazis as some aberration in European civilization. Hitler was, in fact, the last honest European. As Zhukov said when visiting injured German soldiers after the war ended,
We inquired about their food and the way the Russian doctors were treating them. There was a chorus of praise of the food and care of the Soviet medical personnel. One of our doctors present remarked:
“The Germans used to kill off our wounded, and now we are losing sleep trying to nurse you back to health.”
“It wasn’t the ordinary Germans who did that,” a wounded old man said, “it was the German Nazis.”
“Are there any Nazis among you?” I asked.
There was silence… I repeated my question. Silence again.
A boy sits in rubble in Gaza. Photo Credit: UNICEF
Zhukov related another story where his officers confronted General Field Marshal Keitel while accepting his unconditional surrender. They basically asked him what the fuck were you doing? War is hell but men need not be devils.
According to our officers, Keitel and the other members of the German delegation were very nervous. Turning to the people surrounding him, Keitel said: “When we were driving through the streets of Berlin, I was terrified by the extent of destruction.” One of our officers replied: “Mr. Field-Marshal, were you not terrified when on your orders, thousands of Soviet towns and villages were wiped off the face of the earth and millions of our people, including many thousands of children, were buried under their ruins?”Keitel grew pale and shrugged his shoulders nervously but said nothing.
It is this obsession with their own struggle (Mein Kampf literally means my struggle) and no sense of the suffering of others that characterized Nazi Germany and still characterizes Germany and its new masters (Ze Americans) to this day.
I mention this at length because the Soviets fought (and the Russians still fight) very differently. Whereas the Germans (and the Americans) used artillery and air raids to ‘reduce to ruins,’ as Hitler said or wherein “the US bombed everything that moved in North Korea, every brick standing on top of another,” as US Secretary of State Dean Rusk said, the Red Army’s philosophy was very different. Their military thinking was much more in line with the Prussian Clausewitz, for whom the point was destroying the enemy military, not terrorizing the civilians. As Zhukov wrote about best artillery practices,
Artillery fire and bombardment are most effective when shelling or bombing is carried out against very specific targets, not at areas or probable targets.Area shelling or bombing cannot destroy an enemy defence system; this is what happened on the Lvov sector — a lot of shelling and bombing, but almost no real results.
Another important factor in understanding mistakes made in preparing for the operation is the armour’s support of the infantry’s attack and offensive.
Advancing infantry is naturally vulnerable to enemy fire.
All fire emplacements surviving the artillery preparation – a machine-gun, a gun, a dug-in tank, a pillbox, etc. can “pin down” the advancing infantry and retard its progress. In these conditions, tanks can be of tremendous value when they accompany the infantry, and their fire neutralizes the enemy weapons not silenced by the artillery preparation.
This isn’t to say that the Germans did not also bomb military targets, but they also wasted fuel and bullets burning down villages and mass executing random civilians. This is all based on a psychological theory that you can terrorize people into submission, which has been disproven by the Nazis loss and countless American losses that followed. At some point, you have to conclude that these people like all the torture and murder, which is another psychological issue entirely.
Again, slaughtering civilians has been American practice from its genocidal conception to Sherman’s march to the sea in their Civil War, the blood flowing through Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine today. America’s violently expansionary white supremacism inspired the Nazis then they merged after WWII, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Suffice it to say that Nazis are bad but not the definition of bad. Now let’s get to the good guys.
Soviets Won
Zhukov said it quite clearly when he said,
No one can deny that the main brunt of the fight against the fascist armed forces was borne by the Soviet Union. It was the most bitter, bloody and difficult of all the wars that our people had ever fought. Suffice it to say that more than 20 million Soviet people died in that war.
No other country, no other people of the anti-Hitler coalition made such heavy sacrifices as the Soviet Union, and no country exerted such a tremendous effort to defeat the enemy which was threatening all mankind.
Zhukov was not stingy or ungrateful, however, he gave plenty of credit to the other allies that fought, especially the largely forgotten Yugoslav partisans, Zhukov continued,
Not a single bomb was dropped on American territory, not a single shell hit an American city. In the war against Germany and Japan, the United States lost 405,000 men. Britain lost 375,000 men. While Poland, for example, lost 6,000,000 and Yugoslavia, 1,706,000 people. The Soviet people give their due to the people of the United States and Britain, to their soldiers, sailors, officers and military leaders who did everything in their power to bring closer the victory over Nazi Germany. We sincerely honour the memory of the killed British and American seamen who despite the dangerous situation at sea, despite the fact that they faced death every mile of the way, delivered to us the cargoes under the Lend-Lease agreement.
Many westerners today, however, attribute everything to Lend-Lease (ie, western tech) and dismiss the Russian sacrifice as mere waves of dumb meat. This is a deeply disrespectful misunderstanding of history and plain wrong. Zhukov corrected this misremembering quite directly in his memoirs. He said,
As for the armaments, what I would like to say that we received under Lend-Lease from the United States and Britain about 18,000 aircraft and over 11,000 tanks. That comprised a mere 4 per cent of the total amount of armaments that the Soviet people produced to equip its army during the war. Consequently, there is no ground for talk about the decisive role of the deliveries under Lend-Lease. As for the tanks and aircraft supplied to us by the British and US governments, they, to be frank, did not display high fighting qualities; especially tanks which, running on petrol, would burn like torches.
For a sense of the sacrifice involved, just look at this conversation Zhukov had with Stalin about his own son.
From the way he looked, talked and moved you could tell that he was extremely fatigued. After four years of war he was utterly overworked. He had worked overly hard and slept too little all that time, taking reverses, particularly those of 1941-1942, close to heart. All was bound to tell on his health and nervous system. As we were strolling through the park, Stalin unexpectedly began telling me about his childhood. We spent at least an hour chatting.
Stalin then said: ‘“Let’s get back and have tea; I want to talk something over with you.” On our way back I said: “Comrade Stalin, I’ve been meaning to ask you for a long time about your son Yakov. Have you heard anything about him?” Stalin did not answer at once. We took a good hundred steps before he said in a kind of subdued voice: “Yakov won’t be let free. The fascists will shoot him first. From what we know, they are keeping him separate from the other POWs, and are putting pressure on him to betray his country.” Stalin was silent for a minute, then said firmly: “No, Yakov wil prefer any kind of death to betrayal.”
It was obvious that he was deeply worried about his son. At the table, Stalin sat silent for a long time, not touching his food. Then, as though continuing his thoughts aloud, he said bitterly: “What a terrible war. How many lives of our people it has carried away. There are probably very few families of us left who haven’t lost someone near to them… Only the Soviet people, tempered in battle, and imbued with great spirit by the Communist Party, could endure trials and tribulations of this magnitude.”
Image: Soviet soldiers at Stalingrad during a short rest after fighting (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)
The idea that the over 20 million soldiers who died just ran into battle barely armed and barely trained is farcical. Just look at how Zhukov described the logistics behind just one battle,
Endless lines of tanks, artillery, lorries with ammunition, fuel and food moved along numerous roads and without roads at night. Only in terms of ordinance it was necessary to have 7,147,000 shells available by the beginning of the operation.
There could be no interruptions in supply if the success of our offensive operation were to be secured. The nature of the operation required ammunition to be forwarded from Front dumps to the troops in an unending stream without the usual army and divisional dumps.
The railway tracks were converted to the Soviet gauge, and ammunition was carried almost to the very Oder. To provide an idea of the scale of these transport operations suffice it to say that if the trains supplying this operation were placed along a straight line one after another, they would stretch for more than 1,200 kilometres.
We were absolutely sure that the troops would have no shortage of ammunition, fuel and food. Indeed, logistics were organized so well that when we began the assault of Berlin proper, we had as much ammunition as when we left the bridgehead on the Oder.
And for a sense of just one battle was like on the ground,
The Nazi troops were virtually swamped in a sea of fire and metal. A thick wall of dust and smoke hung in the air, and in places even the powerful anti-aircraft searchlights were unable to penetrate it, but this troubled no one.
Our aircraft flew above the field of battle in waves. A few hundred bombers hit targets that were too far for the artillery in the night. Other bombers cooperated with the troops in the morning and day time. More than 6,550 sorties were made on the first day of the battle.
It was planned for the artillery to make 1,197,000 shots, actually 1,236,000 shells were fired: 2,450 railway cars of shells or nearly 98,000 tons of metal hit the enemy. Enemy defences were being destroyed and suppressed to a depth of 8 kilometres, and some resistance points even to 10-12 kilometres.
If you dedicate a few evenings to watching the 2011 Russian documentary Soviet Storm it has all these stories and more. The starvation siege of Leningrad being relieved by trucks travelling across ice, many of them falling through and drowning. The retreat from Sevastopol against impossible odds. The insane Battle of Stalingrad, men fighting block to block, building to building, room to room. Or the same fighting in the German Reichstag itself, where “they used hand-grenades to clear the lobby and halls. Every room was fought for.” There are so many stories I never learned in my American education which is a post-war crime. These stories are not only more interesting, they’re much more important. They decided the outcome of World War II. What I grew up on was movies often irrelevant or largely made up. As Zhukov said,
Frankly speaking, I was somewhat puzzled when in 1965 I saw the American film The Longest Day. This film, based on the historical fact—the invasion of Normandy by the Allied Forces across the Channel in June 1944—shows the enemy to be far stronger than it actually was. The political lining of this film is easily understandable … but after all there has got to be a limit somewhere.
The Normandy landing which was truly an operation on a grand scale requires no false gloss. To give it the objective credit it merits, it was prepared and conducted ably. The Germans did not put up any major resistance to the Expeditionary Force until July 1944 when they transferred their forces from all over the coast of Northern France. But even then it was rebuffed by the greatly superior Allied land and air forces. There were—and there could be—no Allied offensive operations in the full sense of the word, no operations involving penetration of a deeply organized defence or fighting against operational reserves and counterattacks as was the case on the Soviet-German front simply because there were no major opposing enemy forces there. With few exceptions, the offensive operations carried out by the American and British troops were reduced to overcoming mobile enemy defence.
This was well understood at the time but has been lost in the fog of post-war. Indeed, by the time of the Normandy landing, the war was strategically over. As Zhukov described Stalin’s thoughts at the time,
From the precise manner in which Stalin expressed his ideas it was obvious that he had thought out all these matters very carefully. Although he believed that we were strong enough to finish off Nazi Germany single-handed, Stalin sincerely welcomed the opening of the Second Front in Europe, which brought closer the end of the war, so much desired by the Soviet people.
You don’t have to take Stalin’s word for it, Eisenhower said much the same. As Zhukov relates,
“The invasion of Normandy across the Channel in June, 1944 began in easy conditions and proceeded without any particular resistance by German forces on the coast—something that we certainly had not expected,” Eisenhower said. “The Germans did not have the defences they had been boasting of.”
“And what in fact was the ‘Atlantic Wall’ like?” I asked Eisenhower.
“There was actually no ‘Wall’ at all,” Eisenhower replied. “There were usual trenches, and those did not run in a continuous line. There were no more than 3,000 guns of different calibre along the entire length of the Wall. On the average this was a little over one gun per kilometre.”
The Western Allies’ march to Berlin continued in that vein, with relatively minor battles compared to the decimation of 80% of the Wehrmacht which was tied up in the East. As Zhukov also said,
From talks with Eisenhower and Montgomery, and other officers and generals of the Allied forces I knew at that time that after crossing the Rhine the Allied forces did not engage in heavy fighting with the Germans. The Nazi troops retreated quickly and surrendered to the American and British troops without much resistance. This information is corroborated by the insignificant losses of the Allied forces in the final operations.
I should also add some lighter notes about the superiority of the Red Army. Zhukov said the Soviets were superior to the western allies in dining and dancing also. As he described the end of war party on May 9, 1945,
The banquet ended in the morning with singing and dancing. The Soviet generals were unrivalled as far as dancing went. Even I could not restrain myself and, remembering my youth, did the Russkaya dance.
And the shared command ‘canteen’ that followed,
I remember one interesting detail: the participants in the meetings of the Control Council were fed on a rotation basis: one month by the Americans, then the British, the French and the Soviet. Whenever it was our turn, the number of people attending the meetings would double. It was easily explained by generous Russian hospitality, the Russian cooking shown to advantage and of course the famous Russian caviar and vodka.
Immediately after the war, the Red Army actually did get their flowers. It’s only after years of celluloid history that it call got buried in manure.
Americans 🤝🏻 Nazis
Zhukov said, “The Great Patriotic War (WWII) was an armed clash between socialism and fascism, the most reactionary and aggressive force of imperialism.” America had already done its genocide and found its Lebensraum across South America. They then treated World War II as a continental buffet. As Eisenhower himself described it,
“When following the Soviet Union’s unfolding battle against Germany,” Eisenhower went on, “we were at a loss to guess how long Russia could hold out and whether she could at all resist the onslaught of the German army. US business circles, together with the British, were at that time greatly concerned over India’s raw material resources, the Middle East oil, the Persian Gulf and the Middle East in general.”
From what Eisenhower said it was obvious that the principal concern of the United States in 1942 was securing its military and economic positions, rather than opening a second front in Europe. Theoretically, the United States and Britain began to give thought to plans for a second front in Europe from the end of 1941, but took no practical decisions until 1944.
Image: IG Farben Building, Frankfurt, completed in 1931 and seized by the Allies in 1945 as the headquarters of the Supreme Allied Command. In 2001 it became part of the University of Frankfurt. (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)
US business circles (the military industrial complex as Eisenhower called them) also had business interests within Nazi Germany, which were protected during the war. As Zhukov said,
Eisenhower’s headquarters was located in the huge premises of I.G. Farbenindustrie chemical concern which remained intact during the heavy bombing by the Allies that had left the city of Frankfurt in ruins.
It should be noted that in other parts of Germany, too, property belonging to I. G. Farbenindustrie also remained intact although they presented excellent targets for air raids. It was obvious that Washington and London had given the Allied Command special instructions to this end.
Several other big munitions plants also remained undamaged. As it became clear later, the financial strings from these biggest munitions plants led to the American and British monopolies.
From the start of the ending of the war it was clear that the Americans were trying not to annihilate but assimilate the Nazis. This natural affinity of assholes was also apparent to the Nazis. Near the end of the war, Nazis ran not away from the Americans but towards them. As Zhukov said,
The German troops hastily retreated to the west in a bid to surrender to the Americans. Wherever the Soviet troops blocked their retreat, they tried to break through by force of arms, sustaining heavy losses. The American Command violating their Allied obligations, did not stop the retreat of the Nazi troops into their zone and even assisted them.
The same was observed in the areas occupied by the British forces. The Soviet Command lodged protests with the Allies, but to no avail.
Whereas the Soviets were staunch on de-Nazifying Germany, the Western Allies were not. Indeed, they followed Hitler’s penultimate plan of deporting the Jews (to ersatz ‘Israel’) and brought Nazis into their own weapons programs and NATO. As Zhukov described another meeting,
Around May 20, 1945, Poskrebyshev called me at my home late in the evening and told me to come to the Kremlin. With Stalin in his office were Molotov and Voroshilov. After mutual greetings Stalin said:
“While we have disarmed all the officers and men of the German army and placed them in prisoner-of-war camps, the British are keeping the German troops in a state of combat readiness and establishing cooperation with them. To this day the staffs of the German forces headed by their former commanders are enjoying complete freedom and, on Montgomery’s instructions, are collecting and putting in order the arms and matériel of the troops.
“I think,” Stalin continued, “the British seek to retain the German troops so that they can be used later. But that is an outright violation of the agreement between the Heads of Government on the immediate disbandment of all German forces.”
This was in fact Hitler’s plan and hope while the war was still hot. He thought he could ally with the Western Allies to fight the commies. But they were, however, fed up with Hitler. As Stalin predicted then,
Stalin’s answer was: “They are like a gambler betting his last coin.
All their hopes were pinned on the British and Americans. In deciding to wage war against the Soviet Union, Hitler took into account the imperialist circles in Britain and the USA, who totally shared his thinking. And not without reason: they did everything they could to direct the military actions of the Wehrmacht against the Soviet Union.” Molotov added that Hitler would probably attempt at any cost to make a separate agreement with the US and British government circles.
“That is true,” said Stalin, “but Roosevelt and Churchill will not agree to a deal with Hitler. They will try to attain their political aims in Germany by setting up an obedient government, not through collusion with the Nazis, who have lost all the trust of the people.”
In the end, the Western Allies assimilated the Nazi regime without the Nazi branding (Nazis went on to run NATO). Hitler became the extremely low bar they could measure all of their future behavior against, and come out on top. And the Western Allies fought just like the Nazis, massacring civilians with both firebombing raids and nuclear bombs. As Zhukov described the horrific and unnecessary nuking of civilians in Japan,
It was clear already then that the US Government was going to use the atomic bomb for reaching its imperialist goals from a position of strength.This was corroborated on August 6 and 9. Without any military need whatsoever, the Americans dropped two atomic bombs on the peaceful and densely-populated Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
While the Great Patriotic War was a clear fight of socialism against imperialism, World War II was a fight over imperialism. America didn’t want to end imperialism, they just wanted to take it over. And so they did, taking over what I just call the White Empire from the British and continuing Hitler’s fight against commies and subhumans, just without Hitler. The Americans thus betrayed the true lions of World War II, and gorged on the rest of the world like hyenas.
Zhukov’s Revenge
Zhukov’s revenge is unfortunately served cold. America systematically eviscerated nascent socialist revolutions all across the world and then the USSR fell, burying the whole story. I found Zhukov’s memoirs through Deen the Bookman (in Wellawatte) and find them very hard to find anywhere else at all. Marshall Georgy Zhukov is a true hero of World War II but I’d never heard of him because the villains wrote the history. But they won’t write the future, inshallah.
Today, America is making the same mistakes in the same places as the Nazis did long ago. They are going against the Russian army—itself a terrible idea—and going in effectively force zero and with just depreciated technology. America has no real industrial base to support themselves and are just freebasing their own propaganda.They are repeating Hitler’s mistakes of over-extending on multiple fronts without Hitler’s wisdom to divide the fronts even temporarily.
Zhukov’s Revenge is not that westerners read his history but that they didn’t, and thus repeat it. They are now getting clobbered by the Russians in Ukraine, and the fronts are connecting from Palestine to Syria to China in a way they cannot possibly sustain. This is cold comfort neath the spectre of nuclear war, but at least we can say we told you so. It’s all in Marshall Zhukov’s memoirs. The Nazis were bad, the Soviets were good, and the Americans became the Nazis and did it all over. I can’t say this is good, but it’s at least good riddance to bad rubbish. The Nazis that won the imperial scramble are finally losing it all, in the same places the old Nazis lost so long ago. Those that don’t read history are condemn to repeat it, and so the Americans lose to the memoirs they don’t remember.
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Our thanks to Richard C. Cook for bringing this article to our attention.
Featured image: Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov, June 1945 (Via)
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