Is World War III About to Start or Has It Already? - Counter Information


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Sunday, December 8, 2024

Is World War III About to Start or Has It Already?

Global Research, December 08, 2024

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Let me start by pointing out that the above was the topic of a three-part article I wrote that was published on the VT Foreign Policy website on December 31, 2023, entitled: “Is World War III About to Start?”

In this article I did not postulate a definitive answer. Of course, some would say that WWIII has already begun. But let’s explore further.

We know that the U.S. has been in a continuous state of some level of war mobilization since at least 1940. That’s coming up on a century ago. Of course, some would say that when WWII began, it was really just a continuation of WWI, when the U.S. had troops fighting in Europe from 1917-1918. So that takes us to well over a century ago.

But why another world war now? Let’s explore some history.

When Germany invaded Poland at the start of WWII in September, 1939, it was more than a year before the U.S. was formally at war, after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

But well before, in 1940, the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration began to use Lend-Lease to supply military assistance to the Western Allies, acquisitions that they were allowed to purchase on credit.

To this day, however, few are aware of how much by way of armaments was also provided to the Soviet Union via Lend-Lease. This included tanks, artillery, and whole factories to help build the Soviet war machine. It also included equipment needed to eventually build atomic weapons.

All of these transfers to the Soviets were concealed from Congress and the public but originated with actions by actors/agents within the Roosevelt government. U.S./Soviet collaboration was also concealed from Hitler, who said he would not have invaded the Soviet Union had he known of its vast hidden stores of war materiel. This was part of the U.S./British plan to trap Hitler into action that would complete the destruction of Germany begun during World War I.

It wasn’t until after World War II had ended when, under President Harry Truman, the U.S. broke away from its Soviet wartime ally, which now became our enemy when the “Cold War” was engineered into existence.

Few are aware that the impetus for U.S. policy during and after WWII came from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Always the most prominent American “think tank” since its inception at the end of WWI, the CFR was/is a U.S.-situated creation of the London/New York-based “Money Power.” The leading U.S. figure in the CFR’s scheming is believed to have been Bernard Baruch. Members of the Rockefeller family and their associates have also been heavily involved in the CFR and have provided funding for much of its program.

Before the CFR came into existence, the U.S. branch of the Money Power had been headed by J.P. Morgan and was concentrated then, as now, in New York City. Allied with Morgan was the newly-minted fortune of John D. Rockefeller. Under the stage-managing of the European Rothschilds, both Morgan and Rockefeller connived in setting up the Federal Reserve in 1913. Col. House was tasked with getting U.S. President Woodrow Wilson to go along and sign the legislation.

The immediate purpose of the Federal Reserve was to provide Great Britain and France with the money to fight Germany in WWI. But France was, and remains, secondary. The Federal Reserve was, above all, central to an Anglo-American objective to take over the world.

The purpose of this takeover was to expand the grip over the world economy of the empire of usury. It was through usury, which had been prohibited in Europe during the Middle Ages and by the Islamic religion since its founding, that the world’s bankers have confiscated the wealth of every nation in which they have been allowed to dominate. Usury requires the constant generation of surplus profits to feed the bankers’ greed. Military force is the means by which the proceeds of usury are secured.

By means of WWI, the German, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, and Russian empires, along with their ancient aristocratic cultures whose wealth was in land, were destroyed. The main reason these empires were obliterated and their kings removed or, in Russia’s case, killed, was the vast amount of debt they had incurred by borrowing from Europe’s bankers. After the war, their property was forfeited as bankers’ collateral.

Thus much of central and eastern Europe was obliterated during the war, with Turkish control of the Middle East terminated.

Britain and the U.S. were the two powers most united with the Money Power, whose wealth has been based on private banking and usury for the last 400 years, since the time of Cromwell. By the early 19th century it’s been the Rothschilds at center stage, even in the U.S., with the Rockefellers in league.

Now Russia was turned over to the Bolsheviks, who were hidden agents of the Money Power and collectors on the usurers’ debt claims. Britain took control of Palestine as a League of Nations mandate, having issued the Balfour Declaration as the first step in creation of a Jewish national state.

The Rothschilds provided the funds for Jewish conquest of Palestine and for building the Israeli Zionist entity.

Back to the Council on Foreign Relations.

Its purpose was/is to assure that in all future wars, the U.S. government would be controlled by the Money Power, which is exactly what has happened. Britain has a corresponding organization, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, or Chatham House.

This was a branch of the Round Table, set up by Nathaniel Rothschild and Alfred Lord Milner, using the legacy of Cecil Rhodes from his diamond and gold mining enterprises in South Africa.

In 1939-1940, as WWII was beginning in Europe, the CFR commenced writing a series of reports that it imposed on the Roosevelt Administration, laying out a future program whereby the U.S. would assume military dominance over the entire world. The Rockefeller Foundation paid for these studies.

The CFR program for global military dominance has been the overriding U.S. geopolitical objective ever since; always, of course, on behalf of the Money Power, with the U.S. providing the military might. It’s said that “all wars are economic.”

The U.S. has chosen to attain its economic goals by brute force, no longer by means of hard work, diplomacy, or cooperative venture. It has seen most of the other nations of the world as its enemies or subjects, but above all, as debtors to its banks. In response, the U.S. is viewed increasingly by the rest of the world as a schoolyard bully, or as a harsh debt collector.

The U.S. has been engaged in “endless wars” since 1941: WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, you name it.

This is why the U.S. generated the “War on Terror” and is now engaged in a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine to control Europe and Eurasia.

It’s why the U.S. is engaged in another proxy war on the side of genocidal Israel in the Middle East in order to keep control the oil resources of the Islamic world.

It’s the purpose of the U.S. military doctrine of “Full-Spectrum Dominance,” meant to put a stop to competition anywhere on the planet or even in cyberspace or outer space.

Always Britain has been at America’s side with its “special relationship,” egging us on, seeming to play the role of “America’s poodle.” The action arm for endless war has been the faction known as “Neocons.”

But even behind control of oil has been control of banking and collection of the profits from usury. Whenever the U.S. takes over a country, it’s the banks that move in first, often with the International Monetary Fund as the leading edge of the takeover. This control is executed by the “jackals” who work for the intelligence agencies.

Meanwhile, the military establishment of both the U.S. and Britain employ many thousands of highly-educated individuals in researching the most ingenious methods possible of killing their fellow human beings. In a technological age there is no limit to how gruesome and unconscionable these methods can be. It’s these military researchers who have been at the forefront of bioweapons development using gain-of-function research.

This is the context in which we can ask the question, “Is World War III About to Start?”

We mean by this, of course, is the U.S. about to engage in all-out nuclear war against the nations identified as its “adversaries”?

At present, these are Russia and China, the only nations appearing to be seriously challenging Full-Spectrum Dominance. Also identified as a near-term enemy is Iran. Israel and Ukraine, both U.S. proxies, appear to have been assigned the role of instigators.

But don’t forget, it’s always been on behalf of the Money Power and its usury, which began its takeover of America more than two centuries ago, even before the U.S. Constitution was written.

It was through this takeover that the wealth accruing to Americans from their work and from the resources of the land began to flow upwards into the hands of those in charge of the monetary system, with a portion of it being used to pay for the military machine that would gradually put the entire world under its control—or so they think.

We can reasonably ask whether this is how people are meant to live, so obviously filled with greed, hate, and hubris. Is this what American religious fundamentalists intend to help bring about?

The American Geopolitical Institute will be studying these matters in the weeks and months ahead.

Every human enterprise must serve life, must seek to enrich existence on earth, lest man become enslaved where he seeks to establish his dominion!” —Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken, 1876-1943), Translation by Posthumus Projects Amsterdam, 2014.


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This article was originally published on VT Foreign Policy.

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Our Country, Then and Now

by Richard C. Cook

ISBN: 9781949762853

E-book ISBN: 978-1-949762-86-0

Year: 2023

Our Country Then and Now takes us on a 400-year journey through America’s history, providing unique snapshots from African enslavement, native dispossession, financial scandals, and wars of expansion and aggression, interspersed with tales from author Richard C. Cook’s ancestry—from Puritan forebears to fighters in the American Revolutionary War and the Civil War, to Midwest Pioneer farmers and their relations with native nations.

Click here to order.

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