'We Need De-Escalation': Social Media Users Assess Power and Reach of Russia's Oreshnik Missiles - Counter Information


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Wednesday, November 27, 2024

'We Need De-Escalation': Social Media Users Assess Power and Reach of Russia's Oreshnik Missiles

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists announces the latest decision on the Doomsday Clock minute hand, Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024, at the National Press Club Broadcast Center, in Washington. This year, Jan. 2024, the clock will remain set to 90 seconds to midnight. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) - Sputnik International, 1920, 27.11.2024

Mere days after the Biden administration approved attacks with US weapons against Russia’s core territories, using its Ukrainian proxies as a fig leaf to hide the United States’ responsibility for these strikes, the world learned just what kind of response this escalation might invite.
Following a November 21 object lesson on the capabilities of Russia’s new Oreshnik intermediate-range hypersonic missile, Sputnik has revealed that these weapons could reach US bases in various corners of the world – in the Middle East, in the Pacific and even in the United States itself – in a matter of minutes.
How fast can the Oreshnik missile hit us bases across the world?
The reaction to these revelations online was rather animated as many were not particularly thrilled with the White House apparently trying to spark World War III.
Russia should be taken very seriously. They will not allow their country to be dismembered as the Ottoman empire was dismembered. I don’t think they trust the West - Sputnik International, 1920, 27.11.2024
Russia should be taken very seriously. They will not allow their country to be dismembered as the Ottoman empire was dismembered. I don’t think they trust the West
“Russia should be taken very seriously. They will not allow their country to be dismembered as the Ottman empire was dismembered. I don’t think they trust the West,” one user warned.
Russia please hold your patience for two more months, don't get baited, wait for trump, no us support to Ukraine, they will capitulate for sure - Sputnik International, 1920, 27.11.2024
Russia please hold your patience for two more months, don't get baited, wait for trump, no us support to Ukraine, they will capitulate for sure
“Russia please hold your patience for two more months, don’t get baited, wait for trump, no us support to Ukraine, they will capitulate for sure,” another one implored.
Terrifying to think about. This is what Biden wants to happen so badly - Sputnik International, 1920, 27.11.2024
Terrifying to think about. This is what Biden wants to happen so badly
“Terrifying to think about. This is what Biden wants to happen so badly,” yet another one remarked.
These specs are the exact reason we need de-escalation with Russia. We're getting closer and closer to the point where the nuclear option is on the table, and when that happens, the world is 25-30 minutes from total destruction once the process is triggered. Not worth it for some farmland in eastern Ukraine. - Sputnik International, 1920, 27.11.2024
These specs are the exact reason we need de-escalation with Russia. We're getting closer and closer to the point where the nuclear option is on the table, and when that happens, the world is 25-30 minutes from total destruction once the process is triggered. Not worth it for some farmland in eastern Ukraine.
The speed of these missiles is not just a measure of distance traveled but a stark reminder of how close we are to potential global conflict. It’s a wake-up call for diplomacy over dominance - Sputnik International, 1920, 27.11.2024
The speed of these missiles is not just a measure of distance traveled but a stark reminder of how close we are to potential global conflict. It’s a wake-up call for diplomacy over dominance
Scary sh*t! It’s insane how badly this administration wants to cling to power. They’re taking us into war to do that. They’d rather burn the world down than to give up power - Sputnik International, 1920, 27.11.2024
Scary sh*t! It’s insane how badly this administration wants to cling to power. They’re taking us into war to do that. They’d rather burn the world down than to give up power


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