Today’s Crisis and War: Destruction of the Nation State, Suppression of Democratic Dissent, Fascist Europe Rising . “And Into The Fire…” Rodney Atkinson - Counter Information


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Today’s Crisis and War: Destruction of the Nation State, Suppression of Democratic Dissent, Fascist Europe Rising . “And Into The Fire…” Rodney Atkinson

Global Research, October 04, 2024
Free Nations 4 October 2024

Outstanding Analysis and Historical Overview by Rodney Atkinson

As the world approaches a new war with nuclear weapons openly discussed (and even loudly advocated by the US Senator and foreign policy “expert” Lindsey Graham) and as openly Fascist/Nazi movements in Ukraine are armed and trained by western powers, these four books are worth reading which described the seeds of this crisis in post-second world war Europe and America and to a great extent predicted it.

How did the western part of the victorious anti-fascist coalition of 1945 become a supporter of war against Russia without which the Nazi tyranny would not have been defeated?

How did Britain and the USA who lost so much liberating Europe in 1945 end up on the side of an openly Nazi society like Ukraine whose war time collaboration with Nazi Germany and massacre of Poles and Jews is reflected today in the Nazi military movements of Azov, Aidar, Right Sector and C14, in public statues and annual celebrations of Nazi collaborators and in the killing of thousands of Russians in Eastern Ukraine?


The answer is in these four books which describe the rise of corporatist fascism in Europe since the 1950s and the absorption of once democratic, freedom-loving Britain into that European Union based on the Nazi principles of 1943 (Die Europaeische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft – see our book Treason at Maastricht).

Treason at Maastricht See more

Voting to leave the European Union in 2016 did not stop the British political class allying itself to the equally pernicious prison of NATO/EU military structures and the attack on Russia through Ukraine.

World War is being courted and Ukraine is being destroyed on the altar of US neocon imperial ideas, German Europe’s “Push to the East” and a decadent British political class surrendering to Russophobia and leading the rhetorical charge. These books written between 1994 and 2013 explain how and why.

The other critical ingredient in both the suppression of democratic dissent at home and the extension of imperial power abroad – Corporatism – is covered in many posts on this website.


The Books

Europe’s Full Circle was published in 1997.


Europe's Full Circle See more

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The more recent manifestations of the fascist and imperialist threat posed by the EU – and its military collaborator NATO – were exposed in the two books Fascist Europe Rising (2001) and And into the Fire.


Fascist Europe Rising: The Repression and Resurgence of Democratic Nationhood: Atkinson, Rodney: 9780952511045: Books

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Birds Not Bombs: Let’s Fight for a World of Peace, Not War 

This article was originally published on the author’s website, Freenations.

Rodney Atkinson has been a successful linguist and linguistic theorist, was formerly a lecturer at the University of Mainz, Germany and a merchant banker in the City of London. He is the Founder of the Freenations website (visited by individuals and government institutions from over 100 countries) an occasional adviser to MPs and the proprietor of his own commercial property company.

He is the author of over 100 articles and policy papers three internationally praised books on political economy: Government against the People (1986), The Emancipated Society (1988), The Failure of the State (1989) and three on the European Union, Treason at Maastricht (with Norris McWhirter CBE, fourth edition 1998) Europe’s Full Circle (third edition 1998 also published in Yugoslavia and Poland) and Fascist Europe Rising (2001 also published in Yugoslavia).

For the extensive all party and international praise of these books and other work see the websites www.rodneyatkinson. and

He was Referendum Party candidate in North West Durham in the 1997 General Election (5.2% of the vote) and the lead UK Independence Party candidate for the North East Region in the 1999 European Elections (8.83% of the vote). He has been a contributor to radio and television programmes on both sides of the Atlantic. He launched the cross party British Declaration of Independence in 1999.

Rodney Atkinson is a regular contributor to Global Research

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