October 7: Anniversary of Two Wars based on False Flags: U.S.’s 9/11 and Israel’s 10/7 - Counter Information


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Monday, October 7, 2024

October 7: Anniversary of Two Wars based on False Flags: U.S.’s 9/11 and Israel’s 10/7

Global Research, October 06, 2024

The 2023 Israeli-Hamas war started similarly to the way the 2001 War on Terrorism started. It was a response to a deadly attack on the country by an official enemy.

But more than that, as stated by this week’s guest on the Global Research News Hour, there are numerous parallels between “9/11” and “10/7.” Both the attacks seemed to satisfy certain military aims and geo-strategic ambitions of the countries in question satisfied by “fighting terrorists.” Also, there seem to be clear indications that the attacks of both 9/11 and 10/7 were known in advance and allowed to happen.

In addition, both wars were proclaimed on October 7! 

Richard Gage, AIA, is a San Francisco Bay area architect and a member of  the American Institute of Architects and founder and former CEO of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. He now leads the charge for a new World Trade Center investigation along with his courageous wife Gail at RichardGage911.org.

Here he is breaking down his arguments.

More of his analysis is available at RichardGage911.org

Transcript of Richard Gage, AIA, October 2, 2024

Global Research: Richard, first of all, what first got you to thinking of the October 7th attack of last year as a kind of a replay of the September 11th attacks?

Richard Gage: 9-11 and Gaza both shared the features of false flag operations. What are those? Well, first, they create the original problem.

And what are the problems associated with these two events? Well, there’s parallel number one, previously established geostrategic goals coveting the natural resources of the target territory. And parallel number two, a rich history of historic and recent provocations and false flag operations by the United States and by Israel to achieve their respective goals. They deploy politically useful, controlled patsies.

Parallel number three. Parallel number four, they have a triggering event like an innovative attack with dubious origins, a manufactured invasion from foreign operatives. Parallel number five, a catastrophic intelligence failure, which of course Gaza is particularly famous for, along with 9-11 and the stand down, the military stand down, which is parallel six, an obvious uncharacteristic delay in response.

Whoops, something happened. We couldn’t quite get a handle on this massive overwhelm of our resources. Parallel number seven, of course, is foreknowledge of the attacks because with engineered events like these, people know about them in advance.

Parallel number eight is an interesting one, an uncontrolled delight during the attacks. In both cases, we have Israelis dancing during massive destruction or being under attack. In the case of Gaza, Israelis actually dancing during a rocket attack from Gaza, which is supposed to be a problem they’re supposed to be defending against, but they’re dancing during this attack.

What do they know, in other words? Well, that was all the original problem, but there’s a series of parallels associated with the management of the public reaction to the problem, i.e. parallel number nine, government in media propaganda with outrageous slogans in order to manipulate public emotions and deploying crisis actors. Parallel 10, atrocities are alleged to the enemy with the ensuing dehumanization. This is, of course, famous.

They said, these are animals in Gaza, and none of those were actually true. In the US, Guantanamo Bay, they’re described as the worst of the worst. That’s why they have to be put in these prisons and done extraordinary rendition, et cetera, et cetera.

Parallel 11 is the denial of those atrocities by the enemy. Osama bin Laden, in the case of 9-11, denying responsibility for the attacks, and of course, the atrocities being denied by Hamas that were alleged to them in the form of severe abuse, rapes, beheading of babies, et cetera. Parallel 12 is the opposition media and journalists that are targeted.

Al Jazeera was targeted in the case of the invasion of Iraq and its attack. Of course, once again, I think 100 journalists have been attacked, killed, in following 10-7. They have the original problem that they create.

They manage the public reaction, and then Part C is offering the prescribed solution to the problem, which includes several parallels in and of itself, like the military revenge attack. Parallel 13, prepared in advance with no investigation. We’re going to war.

We’ll investigate later. We go to war now. It took…

GR: 9-11 Commission and took them about 411 days to finally get it going.

RG: That’s it. That’s what I was looking for. Of course, Netanyahu’s saying the same thing.

It’s still no investigation, right? Parallel 14, we have the occupation of the territory of the new enemy. This is the land grab. Of course, we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq that we’ll talk about.

In the case of 9-11, we’ll see the objectives for invading Gaza that pre-existed 10-7 by decades, actually. Parallel 15 is the widening of the conflict. We’re seeing that now with the provocation of Iran by Israel, with the assassination of key Hezbollah and Iranian military members, and consummating in the 180 missiles that rained down last night on Israel.

Inevitably, we’re going to see an even larger escalation by Israel because that is the original goal, which we will take a look at in detail. Parallel 16, we have the effecting of regime change of the enemy leadership. That’s one of the goals.

Of course, Hamas will not be allowed to exist anymore. Well, we’ve found that Hamas was a creature of Israel and the Mossad having been formed and funded by them as long ago as 2006 as a foil against the Palestinian Liberation Organization at the time, which was looking for a two-state solution. Parallel 17, they enact a forever war policy, and that’s what we’re getting now.

A year on, the invasion of Gaza is not ending. The invasion’s small scale at first here with Lebanon, again, for the third time invading Lebanon, and then now with the widening and forever war policy that was a cold war with Iran that’s now, of course, becoming quite hot. Parallel 18, we’ve got billions flowing to the where? The media, the banking industry, the war industries.

We’ve got 8 billion here, 3 billion there, 3 billion every year to Israel since God knows when, decades, but now 8 billion and part of a 14 billion plan. This is, of course, going on in Ukraine too, which was not the subject of our conversation today, but it’s never ending. We have Parallel 19, extreme censorship of the public by the government, the mainstream media, and even social media now, whose grip has become quite tenacious with YouTube.

I’ve lost five channels myself just trying to talk about the truth about 9-11 YouTube channels. That is incredible in terms of the depth of censorship the Israelis are putting upon their media and their people with laws having been put on the books that you can’t demoralize the troops with counter arguments to the state narrative. And then, draconian policies and surveillance instituted by government.

Parallel 20, this creates the surveillance state, particularly in light of 9-11, where all of our emails, our phone calls, our texts are systematically swept up, unconstitutionally stored for use against us in Salt Lake City. Later, we have Parallel 21, malevolent roots that go back more than 250 years, giving rise to these massive problems created by leadership that’s been installed under false pretenses in each case. The Project for a New American Century in the case of recently, just prior to 9-11, the neocon think tank that we’re going to talk about.

So, we find that these false official accounts are rather incredible, like false official accounts. Yet another parallel we haven’t even mentioned, but what we show is that the planes and jet fuel could not have caused the Twin Towers to collapse or Building 7, which wasn’t even hit by a plane. We show this again and again, as you and I have discussed over the years, Michael, in our documentary, 9-11 Explosive Evidence Experts Speak Out.

So, we have evidence like that. We have evidence of molten metal in the pile underneath all three buildings, evidence of molten metal, specifically iron, the byproduct of thermite, elemental iron, in all the World Trade Center dust. And that evidence goes on and on and on into the 9-11 commission that says they were set up to fail, that there was a decision not to tell the people the truth about what really happened at 9-11.

And now, jumping to parallel number one, we see clearly that there are previously established and geostrategic goals coveting the natural resources of the target territory. This is fascinating. For instance, relative to 9-11, we have the Project for a New American Century, establishing in their paper, America rebuilds, regional hegemony in the Middle East, a vast increase in the Pentagon budget.

But, they said, absent a catalyzing and catastrophic event, like a new Pearl Harbor, these goals will take a long time to achieve. And so, Bush writes in his diary that night, today we had our new Pearl Harbor. Well, the Project for a New American Century, PNAC, had their own website, which they established prior to 9-11.

This group of neocons in this think tank called for a hundred billion dollar increase in the Pentagon budget. And many of them, interestingly, were dual citizens, if not most Israeli and U.S. citizens. So, what loyalty are they bringing when they were brought in by the Bush administration and created that new Pearl Harbor that they were calling for and managed the project, 9-11?

GR: Well, I mean, I think our listeners are already familiar, very familiar by now with a lot of the issues around, you know, how they used, you know, that basically the war on Afghanistan and the war on terror generally, it was kind of convenient in terms of getting, you know, having this, I guess, it was an established geostrategic goal.

I think that maybe we’re a little less aware of the role of Israel, like, because they’re going into Gaza and possibly beyond. Can you spend a little bit more time talking about the angle there in terms of the attack and what they’re doing?

RG: So, one of the interesting, fascinating points is that General Wesley Clark actually admitted on a media interview that their goal was to take out seven countries in five years. And I’m saying this in answer to your question because these countries that they wanted to take out, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran are the enemies of Israel.

So, the foreign policy is quite interconnected. And we have the desire of Israel, in particular, to take out Iran, right, which is about to happen. And so, we put in Afghanistan, we invaded Afghanistan to the northeast and Iraq to the southwest as part of that plan and occupied Afghanistan for 20 years, the longest war in U.S. history.

As a part of a goal, what are the inceptions of this goal? Well, let’s just look at Palestine and the history. We have from the 14th century to the 20th century, primarily Muslims and Christians occupying this area of the Palestine. Well, it became the Palestine mandate when the British took over, but it only had two percent Jewish population.

And then the Ottoman Empire falls and we have, after World War I, this British mandate and a growing desire for Jews to emigrate to the area. And so, the father of modern Zionism, Theodor Herzl, from 1860 to 1904, is quoted as saying, now this is the inception of Zionism, at least as it became more publicly known, he says, what we must expropriate gently the private property on the state assigned to us. He’s anticipating a state being assigned, right? This is before the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

This is before 1904 that he says this. This statement and many others make it really apparent that the transfer of the Palestinian-era population along with the accompanying apartheid policy seem to be inherent in Zionism from its inception. So, interestingly, the territorial ambitions of the Zionists appear to have exceeded that of Palestine alone.

And so, the promise was by Rothschild, Lord Walter Lionel, Second Baron Rothschild, to bring America in to save England in their losing war with Germany, if the British would create a homeland for the Jewish people, which they promised to do here in 1917. And sure enough, Americans were tricked into entering World War I through yet another false flag operation, the sinking of the Lusitania. So, we have a set of real problems that ensued, as you can imagine.

Avi Shlaim of the University of Oxford says, the absurdity of the 1917 Balfour Declaration in denying national rights to the 90 percent majority at the time, Palestinians, and granting it to the 10 percent minority, the Jews. So, one nation, Britain, says Arthur Kessler, promised the country of another people, the Palestinians, to a third people, the Jews. It’s one of the most improbable political documents of all time.

And in fact, it’s 67 words long, yet it launched what is broadly seen today as the world’s most intractable conflict. So, recognize that 10-7 did not start on October 7th. The problems associated started way, way back in the inception of Zionism itself.

And if we begin to look at what happened with the UN plan, which came along in 1946, and it was a plan, not a legal document. And yet, when it came out, it in effect gave half, or promised half, of the country of what became Israel to the Jewish people, and the other half, another state, to the Palestinian people. So, they lost almost half their land right off the bat, right? But since then, we’ve had the Six-Day War, which Israel confiscated almost 80 percent of the land, and today, 90 to 95 percent of the land because of all the settler activity and the ensuing violence that’s happened.

So, the strategic goals of greater Israel have, in fact, been achieved virtually inside of Israel, but they say, author Israel Shahak of Global Research points out, that the greater Israel constitutes the cornerstone of powerful Zionist factions within the current Netanyahu government, the Likud party, as well as within Israel military and intelligence establishment. So, for instance, the Yinon plan came out in 1982, a continuation of Britain’s colonial design in the Middle East, essentially, says Mahdi Nazemroaya. And it’s an Israeli strategic plan that it does what? It ensures Israeli regional superiority.

It insists and stipulates that Israel must reconfigure its geopolitical environment through the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states. This is a plan that has become the guiding document and from which they draw inspiration as well as policy. We’ve seen those policies carried out with the war, but it didn’t with the wars that have happened, especially the current one.

GR: I know that a lot of the parallels you mentioned essentially said that basically that the Israelis knew that this was going to happen.

And we’ve been through that with the 9-11 stuff. Could you maybe take me a couple of the more telling examples of how the Israelis actually knew that the attacks were going to happen and let it happen on purpose?

RG: They had foreknowledge, not just from Egypt, but other foreign countries, intelligence ministries of a big attack, right? And it’s coming. And so Netanyahu was warned personally by one of the major leaders in Egypt.

We also have the 40-page document that the New York Times revealed that laid out the exact plan that Hamas followed later. And Israel had this a year before the plan. Their own border guards were screaming at all of the activity they saw on the wall in the weeks and months prior to 9-11, excuse me, to 10-7.

And these attacks were being planned and there were exercises being done attacking the wall itself. And so on the morning of, there’s embedded reporters, foreknowledge, embedded with Hamas, who were reporters who had worked with the Reuters, with CNN and AP. And they came in with Hamas and taking all these great pictures, and yet they didn’t report anything.

This is, of course, an incredible body of foreknowledge. And so we also have foreknowledge in terms of the original strategic goal of the natural gas assets just offshore of Gaza that have been reported on Global Research, where there are in fact 122 trillion cubic feet of natural gas discovered more than two decades ago and 71 billion dollars in oil. Altogether about 453 billion in profits, which the UN says belongs to the Palestinian people because it’s right offshore of Gaza.

But Israel has claimed these resources and their energy minister even says this positions Israel as the key global player in energy. We’re going to be exporting Israeli natural gas to Europe. Needless to say, this has created quite a stir, but not achieving notoriety or exposure in the mainstream media.


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