Putin: West Going to Blame Zelensky for Unpopular Decisions and Remove Him in 2025 - Counter Information


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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Putin: West Going to Blame Zelensky for Unpopular Decisions and Remove Him in 2025

Vladimir Putin in Hanoi, Vietnam. June 20, 2024 - Sputnik International, 1920, 20.06.2024

On the last day of his official visit to Vietnam, Russian President Vladimir Putin held a press conference where he shared his thoughts on a number of poignant geopolitical issues.
Here are some key takeaways from the president's remarks.

On Russia’s Renewed Alliance With North Korea

Commenting on the results of his recent trip to the DPRK, Putin said he hopes the agreements between Russia and North Korea will become a deterrent in the Korean crisis to prevent it from escalating.
"The Korean crisis has such a smoldering character, but we assume and hope that our agreements with North Korea will be a deterrent to a certain extent to prevent this crisis from escalating into some kind of burning phase," he said.

On South Korea’s Threats to Send Lethal Weapons to Ukraine

Possible deliveries of such weapons to the conflict zone in Ukraine by South Korea would be a mistake, Putin warned.
"As for the supply of lethal weapons to the combat zone in Ukraine, it would be a very big mistake. I hope it will not happen. If it does, then we too will then make the respective decisions, which South Korea's current leadership is unlikely to be pleased with," he said.

On Arms Shipments to Other Countries

Russia is not ruling out supplying weapons to other countries in response to deliveries of Western arms to Ukraine, Putin said on Thursday.
"Those who are supplying these weapons believe that they are not at war with us, well, I have said, including in Pyongyang, that we reserve the right to supply weapons to other regions, bearing in mind our agreements with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, I don’t rule out this as well, where will these [weapons] go," Putin said.
Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives in Hanoi. January 19, 2024. - Sputnik International, 1920, 20.06.2024
Russia Thinking About Possible Changes To Its Nuclear Doctrine - Putin

On US Manners in International Relations

The United States’ rudeness in relations with other countries does not do Washington any favors, Putin suggested.
"In strategic terms, it is only harmful, because no one likes this snobbery. And no one will ever forgive it, even in the medium-term historical perspective," he remarked.

On UNSC Reform

Russia supports a reform of the United Nations Security Council, but it needs to be based on consensus, Putin said.
"We are in favor of reform [in the UNSC], but only, I repeat, based on broad consensus," Putin told reporters, adding that behind-the-scenes discussions will not be beneficial for the global community.

On Volodymyr Zelensky's Future

The West will blame Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky for unpopular decisions and will find a replacement for him, possibly in the first half of the next year, Putin guessed.
"In the West, they simply do not want to replace him [Zelenskyy], the time is not right. I think it's obvious to anyone. They will blame all unpopular decisions on him, including lowering the [military] draft age, and that's it. And then they'll replace him. I think it will happen sometime in the first half of next year," Putin told Russian reporters.

On Behind-The-Scenes Talks With West

Talks on Ukraine could take place as early as tomorrow, but Russia will use the current situation as a starting point, the president added.
"We have been conducting these behind-the-scenes talks, and what we hoped for has failed," Putin told reporters.


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