Navigating Life’s Challenges - Counter Information


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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Navigating Life’s Challenges

By Tom Feeley

Circumstances, found me in the cardiac unit of the Methodist hospital in San Antonia (TX) over the lass few day, hence the lack of updates since Monday (My apologies) I underwent a huge number of tests as a result of their not being able to insert a stent to fix the blockages in two of my arteries, both stents, had been installed, years earlier and had collapsed or become blocked and I was informed that I would require bypass surgery. The cardiac team is meeting with other specialists to to determine if my body is able to withstand major heart surgery. As some of you will be aware I have been recovering from Acute Leukemia and bone marrow transplant. It’s been a trip! This website and newsletter are my passion, so i guarantee you that I will be back as soon as possible.

I am grateful for everything I have and everything I don’t have. I am grateful for everything that has happened in my life and everything that has not happened. I am grateful to our community for making it possible for me to do this work over last 24 years. Your support has enabled me the time to study and research how and why our species behaves so violently towards each other. What I have learned I have passed on through the website and newsletter. I am not an expert on anything just a fellow student in life’s university.

People are waking up. Reality is knocking on the door and each of us must play our part. We each have a voice and we should use it now to lift the veil further and replace war and violence, with Peace and Joy

Tom Feeley

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Low income readers: DON’T send money, just encourage others to subscribe. Peace and Joy
Tom Feeley
PS. You may prefer to mail a donation (U.S. Funds) to. Information Clearing House, Po Box 365. Imperial Beach, California. 91933 USA

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