Selected Articles: Does the US Still Have an Economy? - Counter Information


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Thursday, February 11, 2021

Selected Articles: Does the US Still Have an Economy?

 By Global Research News

Global Research, February 11, 2021

Does the US Still Have an Economy?

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 11 2021

People want to know where the economy is headed.  What they should be asking is does the US still have an economy?  My answer is no, it doesn’t.  I will explain why.

Contemporary Global Capitalism Is “Crony Capitalism”

By Rod Driver, February 11 2021

A full discussion of how rich countries developed would require a whole book, so I shall simply highlight a few basic principles. The world’s advanced nations have achieved their current level of development using what is known as a mixed economy. This has three main parts.

History: US Business Operations with Nazi Germany

By Shane Quinn, February 11 2021

The Third Reich’s destruction of the left, along with Hitler’s stated intention to preserve big business, was welcomed by corporate managers. Before Hitler had even come to power, his views had drawn approval abroad from leading industrialists; like the American tycoon Irénée du Pont.

Why Russia Is Driving the West Crazy

By Pepe Escobar, February 11 2021

Future historians may register it as the day when usually unflappable Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov decided he had had enough: “We are getting used to the fact that the European Union are trying to impose unilateral restrictions”.

Through the “Bolivar Act” U.S. Congressmen Intend to Tighten the Blockade Against Venezuela

By Internationalist 360, February 11 2021

On January 28th, a group of U.S. Congressmen, led by former Green Beret and now Republican Party legislator, Michael Waltz, introduced to the U.S. Congress a new bill dedicated to Venezuela entitled the “Bipartisan Banning Operations and Leases with Illegitimate Authoritarian Regime Act”.

How Ecuador’s US-backed, Coup-supporting ‘Ecosocialist’ Candidate Yaku Pérez Aids the Right-wing

By Ben Norton, February 11 2021

Ecuador’s presidential candidate Yaku Pérez supported coups in Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. His US-backed party Pachakutik and supposedly “left-wing” environmentalist campaign is being promoted by right-wing corporate lobbyists.

The US Space Force (USFF), New Domain to Pressure China?

By Ulson Gunnar, February 11 2021

The real problem with the US Space Force is not the concept behind its face-value creation or its stated mission, but with the inevitable abuse of this new branch of military service by the special interests that drive US foreign policy.

The Myth of the Good War: America in World War II. The Bombing of Dresden

By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, February 11 2021

In the night of February 13-14, 1945, the ancient and beautiful capital of Saxony, Dresden, was attacked three times, twice by the RAF and once by the USAAF, the United States Army Air Force, in an operation involving well over 1,000 bombers.

Red Alert Warning About Pfizer and Moderna COVID Inoculations

By Stephen Lendman, February 11 2021

Immunization is a “process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination.” The above is not what mRNA inoculations are designed to do. They’re something else entirely.

The Pharma-Med Cartel Consider the Immune System Their Competition

By Reggie Selwyn, February 11 2021

It’s been apparent for decades that Big Pharma hates natural vitamins and supplements with a passion. They consider them competition, and so they induce the media, government and public health officials to malign vitamins in every way they can.

Could Spike Protein in Moderna, Pfizer Vaccines Cause Blood Clots, Brain Inflammation and Heart Attacks?

By Lyn Redwood, February 11 2021

Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, a pediatric rheumatologist, warned the FDA in December that mRNA vaccines could cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver and kidneys in ways not assessed in safety trials.

Ontario “Covid Measures” Are Destroying Our Public Health

By Mark Taliano, February 11 2021

Dr. Patrick Philips, who practices medicine in Englehart, Ontario, explains in an interview with MPP Randy Hillier, that current public health measures are harming the overall public health of Canadians.

Twenty Reasons Mandatory Face Masks are Unsafe, Ineffective and Immoral

By John C. A. Manley, February 11 2021

At an Oklahoma Press Conference, Dr. James Meehan, MD testified: “Reports coming from my colleagues all over the world are suggesting that the bacterial pneumonias are on the rise” as a result of moisture collecting in face masks.

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