Selected Articles: Why Senators Must Reject Avril Haines Director of National Intelligence - Counter Information


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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Selected Articles: Why Senators Must Reject Avril Haines Director of National Intelligence

 By Global Research News

Global Research, December 31, 2020

Spain Plans a “Registry” for Those Who Refuse COVID Vaccine

By Zero Hedge, December 30, 2020

As Europe begins vaccinating the first wave of high-priority patients, a “glitch” has already emerged: many health-care workers and others have refused to take the vaccine, as skepticism and suspicion remain elevated.

Why Senators Must Reject Avril Haines Director of National Intelligence

By Medea Benjamin and Marcy Winograd, December 30, 2020

She is the affable assassin who, according to Newsweek, would be summoned in the middle of the night to decide if a citizen of any country, including our own, should be incinerated in a U.S. drone strike in a distant land in the greater Middle East.

The Peace Discourse that Disappeared: Go on with Passion and Detachment

By Jan Oberg, December 30, 2020

Look at and listen in to three spheres of contemporary Western society – politics, research and media: The word” peace” and related words, such as the UN Charter norm of” making peace by peaceful means”, nonviolence, negotiations – have disappeared.

Syrian Refugees Flee as Their Tents Are Torched in Lebanon

By Steven Sahiounie, December 30, 2020

On December 26, hundreds of Syrian refugees fled their refugee camp in the Miniyeh region near the coastal city of Tripoli in north Lebanon after their tents were burned when fighting broke out between local youths and camp residents.

Selling Weapons – The Most Corrupt Industry in the World

By Rod Driver, December 30, 2020

The US government has the highest military spending in the world, with approximately one-third of the world’s military expenditure. Britain consistently figures in the top 10.

The New Film “Seven”. Scientific Study of WTC Building 7

By Kevin Ryan, December 30, 2020

The study was led by structural engineering professor J. Leroy Hulsey and took nearly five years to complete. It evaluated the possibilities for destruction of WTC 7 using two versions of high-tech computer software that simulated the structural components of the building and the forces that acted upon it on September 11th.

The Julian Assange Pardon Drive

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 30, 2020

The odds are stacked against Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks publisher who faces the grimmest of prospects come January 4.  On that day, the unsympathetic judicial head of District Judge Vanessa Baraitser will reveal her decision on the Old Bailey proceedings that took place between September and October this year.

Economic Matters in Ukraine Are at Standstill

By Paul Antonopoulos, December 30, 2020

An exception to this “quiet” year was Kiev’s attempt to manufacture a humanitarian crisis by cutting off water supplies from the North Crimean Canal to the peninsula. This human rights violation was to the disinterest of the UN Human Rights Commission.

As World Sours on Coal, Top Producer Indonesia Tries to Sweeten It at Home

By , December 30, 2020

With consumption, travel and commuting all suppressed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers from the Global Carbon Project calculate carbon dioxide emissions fell a record 7% in 2020.

Hearts Full of Scepticism, Farmers Agree for Talks with Centre on Dec 30

By , December 30, 2020

Addressing local protests, the organisation hailed nearly 10,000 farmers who assembled in Patna on Tuesday in solidarity the farmers’ struggle. They decried the lathi-charge that took place. Similarly, they thanked the massive turnout witnessed at Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu.

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