US Election 2020: Illegitimate by Systemic Fraud - Counter Information


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Sunday, November 15, 2020

US Election 2020: Illegitimate by Systemic Fraud


There’s nothing legitimate about a political process that excludes the popular will

Global Research, November 15, 2020

Election fraud has been part of the US political landscape since the republic’s early days — at the federal, state and local levels.

There’s nothing legitimate about a political process that excludes the popular will.

Power brokers decide who wins and loses. Voting-age Americans have no say whatever.

Fantasy democracy has been the American way from inception — the real thing considered anathema by the nation’s ruling class.

Election 2020 was decided long before early voting began and polls opened on November 3.

Biden/Harris were chosen over Trump because of the predictability factor.

Biden is a longtime dirty politician since the 1970s, Harris a relative newcomer.

Trump is a businessman turned politician at age-70 in 2016, a rare anomaly in the West and elsewhere.

Based on his record as US senator and vice president — along with his current deteriorated mental and physical state — Biden is both predicable and easily manipulated by the nation’s ruling class.

In stark contrast, Trump is less controllable. He shoots from the hip, notably by daily tweetstorms and other off-script public remarks.

Based on what’s gone on so far, Biden/Harris look almost certain to succeed Trump on January 20.

Dirty business as usual continuity won’t miss a beat with them in charge.

The wish list of the nation’s monied interests, its militarists, and other dark forces will be fulfilled across the board with full Biden/Harris regime support.

More muscular domestic and foreign policies are likely — including greater crackdowns on fundamental freedoms at home and increased aggression abroad, by hot and other means.

US relations with China, Russia, Iran, and other independent countries targeted for regime change will likely deteriorate more than already.

According to head of Moscow State Institute of International Relations Anatoly Torkunov:

“No matter who wins (US elections, its ruling authorities) will continue the policy of pressure as far as Russia goes,” adding:

“The only thing that is clear today is that Biden’s foreign policy would be more predictable, particularly as far as Russia is concerned.”

“I certainly don’t expect any radical changes and improvements to take place in the near future, but we can expect things to be more predictable.”

Whichever right wing of duopoly rule controls the White House and/or Congress ahead, policies affecting ordinary Americans are likely to worsen more than already.

Establishment Law Professor Jonathan Turley sounded the alarm about “rising McCarthyism…and the growing threat to both free speech and academic freedom” in the US.

Major media are complicit with a diabolical scheme to silence dissent and other free expression.

Biden/Harris and other Dems threaten Internet freedom.

It’s the last frontier of free and open expression, the only reliable independent space for real news, information and analysis – enabling anyone to freely express views on any issues.

Digital democracy is threatened in America and other Western countries.

What’s essential to preserve is eroding in plain sight.

If Dems against free expression control Biden/Harris regime policymaking, a free and open Internet may die on their watch.

Turley believes they’ll “continue…assaulting against Internet free speech” — the most defining feature of constitutional law, along with open, free, and fair elections.

The former is on life support in the US, the latter an illusion in the country since established.

Election 2020 is the latest example of election rigging — this time to replace Trump with Biden/Harris, deep state dark forces deciding things like they always do.

Appearing Friday on Newsmax TV’s National Report, US Federal Election Commission chairman Trey Trainor said the following:

“I do believe that there is voter fraud taking place in (US states). Otherwise they would allow the observers to go in.”

They “have not been allowed into the polling locations in a meaningful way.”

“Our whole political system is based upon transparency to avoid the appearance of corruption.”

“State law allows those observers to be in there.” In states where it wasn’t observed, Election 2020 was “illegitimate.”

Trump campaign lawsuits are “very valid…”

Trainor believes Trump team legal challenges will end up in the Supreme Court.

I doubt it’ll make a difference because the High Court usually swims with tide.

It’s coming in for Biden/Harris and going out for Trump.

Across the board claims of an open, free and fair process by establishment media represent an orchestrated aim to whitewash election-rigging for Biden/Harris over Trump.

When major media speak with one voice on most any issue, views expressed are highly suspect.

Free and open societies are characterized by diversity, including a range of views on at least most issues.

On Election 2020, major media reports have been and continue to be virtually unanimous in supporting fraud over democracy the way it should be.

What’s going on is a dark moment in US history.

Looking ahead, things are likely to worsen politically and economically for the vast majority of Americans.

It’s the wrong time to growing up under governance of, by, and for special interests by exploiting the vast majority of others.

Opportunities that once existed long ago are gone.

Governance by plutocrats, autocrats, and kleptocrats replaced it.

Today’s America resembles Dante’s Inferno for the vast majority.

“Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.”


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

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