Selected Articles: The Malevolent Encirclement of Russia - Counter Information


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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Selected Articles: The Malevolent Encirclement of Russia

Global Research, October 14, 2020

The Malevolent Encirclement of Russia

By F. William Engdahl, October 14 2020

A recent RAND study prepared for the US Army suggests with remarkable accuracy who might be behind what will undoubtedly become a major threat to Russian security in coming months.

‘We are Many, They are Few’: Nonviolent Resistance to the Elite’s COVID-19 Coup

By Robert J. Burrowes, October 14 2020

Under cover of this manufactured ‘public health crisis’ the global elite is fundamentally reshaping global society to serve its own purpose with millions being marginalized and millions being killed in the process.

Human Rights Debate at UN Security Council. Horrifying Social Consequences of US Sanctions Inflicted on North Korea

By Carla Stea, October 14 2020

In addition to the other brutal deprivations the general population suffers as a result of the sanctions, the sanctions deprive doctors of crucial medical equipment necessary to restore to heath and restore to life a huge number of citizens in the targeted countries, including the most vulnerable, the elderly, disabled, and women and children.

How to Kill a Thriving Metropolis in 7 Months: New York City’s COVID-19 Failure

By Helen Buyniski, October 14 2020

Seven months into the pandemic, as many US states inch back toward ‘normal’, New York is in the grips of a crime wave, reinvigorated lockdowns, and widespread fear of pretty much everything. Thank local government.

The Palestinian Struggle Betrayed

By Askiah Adam, October 14 2020

For the Palestinians it is the breaking of this pan-Arab consensus by the UAE and Bahrain that is viewed as a stab in their backs. The sentiment is unmistakeable. The Palestinian cause is no longer the centre of some Arab states’ politics. The refusal of the Arab League to condemn the Abraham Accords, as demanded by the Palestinian Authority, cannot but prove this betrayal.

Boris Johnson at Sea: Coronavirus Confusion in the UK

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 13 2020

The tide has been turning against UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.  Oafishly, he has managed to convert that tide into a deluge of dissatisfaction assisted by the gravitational pull of singular incompetence.  

France’s ‘Crisis’ with Islam: A Legacy of 200 Years of Colonial Brutality

By Joseph Massad, October 14 2020

France is in crisis. Official and unofficial Christian French radical extremism, legitimising itself under the umbrella of what the French ostentatiously call laicité, continues to increase its attacks on French and non-French Muslims.

The Show Trial of Julian Assange Is an Attack on the Right to Dissent

By Megan Sherman, October 14 2020

Because Assange’s message has been so powerful in dissolving the hawk narrative of the Washington status quo, his leadership has heralded a new era of progressive politics. This new era threatens to smash the tight consensus grafted together by elites, so they have responded by enforcing a global mass propaganda program by stealth to defame Assange and his supporters.

UK Government Accused of ‘Cronyism’ after Tory Councilor Wins £156m COVID Contract

By Peter Geoghegan and Russell Scott, October 14 2020

P14 Medical signed the huge contract to supply medical gowns in May, even though the firm suffered significant financial losses in 2019, and its previous track record in PPE procurement is unclear. Transparency campaigners say the deal “reeks of cronyism”.

All It Takes Is a Spark: Syrian Wildfires Turn Olive Trees into Ashes

By Steven Sahiounie, October 14 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture had previously expected to produce 850,000 tons of olives this season from more than 87 million trees, said Engineer Muhammad Habu in August. Possibly more than 9,000 hectares of forests and agricultural lands burned between Friday and Saturday, while three people had died due to the fires, and 70 were treated at local hospitals with breathing difficulties.

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