Freedom Triumphs Over Fascism in Bolivia if It Sticks - Counter Information


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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Freedom Triumphs Over Fascism in Bolivia if It Sticks

Global Research, October 21, 2020

In November, US orchestrated fascism replaced freedom in Bolivia.

President Evo Morales’ legitimate reelection was overturned by a cadre of US recruited traitors. 

Generals and others were bribed to betray their country for the right price.

Fascism tied to US interests usurped power.

Militarized rule, inequality, and harsh crackdowns on supporters of equity and justice became official coup d’etat regime policy — aided and abetted by hardliners in Washington.

Months after the coup from exile in Argentina, illegally ousted President Evo Morales explained the following:

“…Bolivia is…paralyzed (and) going backwards…”

The country was “return(ed) to neoliberal times with more unemployment, poverty, hunger, corruption, nepotism, criminalization of the protests, persecutions and violation of the freedom of expression.”

“Fascism and racism have been reborn.”

The US-installed coup d’etat regime is responsible for “massacres, persecutions, imprisonments, dismantling of public companies and inability to deal with the pandemic.”

“Only (ordinary) people can save the people, and we will regain democracy.”

A coup d’etat “transitional” regime is making “illegal decisions that compromise our future, such as GMOs for human consumption, debts with the International Monetary Fund, changes in economic model, reversal of land (distribution), and mining concessions in favor of big entrepreneurs.”

The coup regime is also involved in drugs trafficking, Morales explained.

Since illegally replaced as president, state terror against the Bolivian people has been official coup regime policy.

In August, (PD below) said the coup d’etat regime “criminaliz(ed) national mobilizations” and right of assembly.

“Despite…increased repression, the people of Bolivia remain on the streets.”

The day before Sunday’s presidential election, PD asked:

“Will free and fair elections be held in Bolivia?”

Tyrannical regimes don’t relinquish power easily. The answer to the above question remains to be determined.

After polls closed Sunday, PD cited a Unitel-Ciesmori estimate of results.

It showed that Movement for Socialism (MAS) candidates for president and vice president, Luis Arce and David Choquehuanca respectively won overwhelmingly by a 52.4 to 31.5% margin over former right-wing president Carlos Mesa.

A separate exit poll conducted by group of universities and Catholic institutions showed similar results — Arce defeating runner-up Mesa by a 53 – 30.8% margin.

To win a first round triumph, Arce and Choquehuanca needed over 40% support with at least a 10% margin over the closest runner-up challenger — or over 50% of the vote for a clear majority.

PD reported that shortly after this estimate was publicly known, coup d’etat interim president Jenine Anez acknowledged MAS’ triumph, tweeting:

“We still do not have an official count, but from the data we have, Mr. Arce and Mr. Choquehuanca have won the election,” adding:

“I congratulate the winners, and I ask that they govern thinking of Bolivia and of democracy (sic).”

Last November, fascist dark forces usurped power, replacing democratic governance.

In the days and weeks ahead, it remains to be seen if governance of the people returned to Bolivia.

Before estimated election results were released, Evo Morales explained that tabulations by MAS showed its candidates won.

The party now controls the executive and legislative branches, the coup d’etat regime soundly defeated — if it sticks.

Separately, Morales tweeted:

“We are going to return dignity and freedom to the people.”

“Very soon our country will begin a new stage of great challenges.”

“We must put aside differences and sectoral and regional interests to achieve a great national agreement.”

Late Sunday, head of the coup regime’s electoral council failed to say when official results would be released.

“We need to be certain about the results,” he said.

PD explained that voting on Sunday “was largely peaceful and was marked by a high turnout,” adding:

In the run-up to the election, “there was a huge amount of uncertainty about whether a free and fair election would be permitted and if its results would be recognized.”

Uncertainty persists despite Anez’s acceptance of the outcome.

Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro tweeted the following in response to the result:

“Great victory! The united and conscious Bolivian people defeated with votes the coup that (ousted) our brother Evo.”

“Congratulations to President-elect Luis Arce, Vice President David Choquehuanca and our South Indian Chief @evoespueblo. Jallalla Bolivia!”

Ousted by an Obama regime coup in 2009, former Honduran President Manuel Zelaya tweeted:

“They overthrew @evoespueblo and from exile I WON them. @LuchoXBolivia is the President! The Bolivian people defeated GOLPISM and fraud.”

On Monday, Reuters reported that MAS’ candidate “is set to win the country’s presidential election without the need for a run-off, an unofficial rapid count of the vote indicated.”

The CIA-linked Washington Post said

“(e)xit polls (on) Monday showed Bolivia’s Socialists taking a seemingly insurmountable lead in the country’s bitterly fought presidential election, a result that, if confirmed by the official tally, would amount to a massive popular rebuke of the right-wing forces that drove the left from power a year ago.”

Arce served as MAS finance minister under Morales. He ran against two hard-right opponents — former president Carlos Mesa and Luis Camacho.

Mesa is linked to right wing elements in the US, Big Oil, and other regional corporate interests.

The Camacho is connected to a Christian fascist paramilitary group called the Union Juvenil Crucenista, based in Santa Cruz, Bolivia’s largest city.

Before last year’s coup, he expressed support for Colombia’s narco terrorist regime, US-designated Venezuelan puppet-in-waiting Guaido, and Brazil’s right-wing government under Jair Bolsonaro.

In La Paz at his campaign headquarters, Arce said “(w)e have recuperated democracy and, more than anything, the Bolivians have recovered hope,” adding:

“We promise to respond to our pledge to work and bring our program to fruition.”

“We are going to govern for all Bolivians, and construct a government of national unity.”

Following establishment of a US republic in 1776, Benjamin Franklin warned the nation’s founders that creating it depends on “if you can keep it.”

The warning applies to MAS leadership in Bolivia.

The same goes for ruling authorities of all nations on the US target list for regime change.

If Arce’s election is officially confirmed, it remains to be seen how he’ll govern.

Will pledges to ordinary Bolivians be fulfilled or will he and MAS bend to a higher power in Washington and internal monied interests?

It’ll take a while to find out.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

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