Who is Behind “Fake News”? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images - Counter Information


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Saturday, August 1, 2020

Who is Behind “Fake News”? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images

Global Research, August 01, 2020

First published on November 24, 2016
Author’s Note
Independent media is under attack. Global Research is tagged as “fake news”.
We are portrayed by wikipedia as “conspiracy theorists” in a compilation of smears and defamatory statements. Wikipedia is a “fake encyclopedia”. 
Censorship is now routinely applied. 
Readers on social media are warned not to go onto certain sites. 
Our analysis confirms that the mainstream media are routinely involved in distorting the facts and turning realities upside down. 
They are the unspoken architects of “Fake News”.  The Lie becomes the Truth. 
One area of routine distortion is the use of fake videos and images by the mainstream media. 
Michel Chossudovsky, August 1st, 2020

Four Notorious Cases of  Media Distortion

These are four examples and there are many more. The manipulation of videos and images is routine. In some cases, these manipulations are revealed by readers, independent media and social media. In most cases they go undetected. And when they are revealed, the media will say “sorry” we apologize: they will then point to technical errors. “we got the wrong video”.
What is important to emphasize is that these media distortions are invariably deliberate.
1. Coverage of CNN 2008 Riots in Tibet

Chinese Cops with khaki uniforms and Indian Style Moustaches

The video footage, which accompanied CNN’s John Vause’s 2008 report, had nothing to do with China. The police were not Chinese, but Indian cops in khaki uniforms from the Northeastern State of Himachal Pradesh, India.

Viewers were led to believe that demonstrations inside China were peaceful and that people were being arrested by Chinese cops.
Chinese Cops in Khaki Uniforms?
1′.27-1′.44″ video footage of “Chinese cops” and demonstrators including Buddhist monks. Chinese cops are shown next to Tibetan monks
Are these Chinese Cops from Gansu Province or Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, as suggested by CNN’s John Vause’s Report?
Screenshot from above CNN video
Alleged Chinese cops in khaki uniforms repressing Tibet demonstrators in China, CNN, March 14, 2008  1’38”, 1’40″ (image above)
Their khaki uniforms with berets seem to bear the imprint of the British colonial period.
Khaki colored uniforms were first introduced in the British cavalry in India in 1846.
Khaki means “dust” in Hindi and Persian.
Moreover, the cops with khaki uniforms and mustache do not look Chinese.
Look carefully.
They are Indian cops.
The videotape shown on March 14, 2008 by CNN is not from China (Gansu Province or Lhasa, Tibet’s Capital). The video was taken in the State of Himachal Pradesh, India. The videotape of the Tibet protest movement in India was used in the CNN report on the Tibet protest movement within China. CNN got its countries screwed up.

2. BBC Coverage of the War on Libya, 2011

Green Square Tripoli. Libyans Celebrating “Liberation” and the Victory of Rebel forces over Gadaffi waving Indian Flags

Examine the footage: It’s not Green Square and it’s not the King Idris Flag (red, black green) of the Libyan Rebels.  
Its the Indian flag (orange, white and green) and the people at the rally are Indians.
Perhaps you did not even notice it.
And if you did notice, ”it was probably a mistake”.
Sloppy journalism at the BBC or outright Lies and Fabrications? Recognize the flags?
Indian Flag  (see right)
Libya’s Rebel Flag (King Idris)

Terrorists “celebrating” in Green Square
There is no celebration. It is a NATO sponsored massacre which has resulted in several thousand deaths. (2011)
But the truth cannot be shown on network television. The impacts of NATO bombings have been obfuscated.
The rebels are heralded as ”liberators”.
NATO bombing is intended to save civilian lives under The Alliance’s R2P mandate.  But the realities are otherwise: the civilian population is being terrorized by the NATO sponsored Rebels.
The images must be switched to conform to the “NATO consensus”.
Death and destruction is replaced by fabricated images of celebration and liberation.

3. CNN and BBC on 9/11.

The Report on the Collapse of WTC Building Seven Occurred Prior to the Collapse

Fake News regarding the Collapse of WTC Building Seven
The most grotesque lie pertains to the BBC and CNN announcement in the afternoon of September 11, that WTC Building Seven (The Solomon Building) had collapsed.
The BBC report went live at 5.00pm, 21 minutes before the actual occurrence of the collapse, indelibly pointing to foreknowledge of the collapse of WTC 7.
CNN anchor Aaron Brown announced that the building “has either collapsed or is collapsing” about an hour before the event.
See the images below: WTC Building Seven is still standing.
The Collapse of WTC Building Seven.
“CNN anchor Aaron Brown seems to struggle to make sense of what he is seeing one minute after announcing that WTC Building 7, whose erect facade is clearly visible in his view towards the Trade Center, has or is collapsing.” (see below)

4. The March 2016 Brussels Terrorist Attacks.

Belgian Media Used Video of a 2011 Moscow Airport Terrorist Attack

Brussels News media Dernière Heure at dhnet.be as well as La Libre reported on the terror attacks by providing a CC Camera Airport Surveillance Video of the terror attacks. 
The published video footage was fake as documented by a blog posting on Media Part
The video pertains to a terror attack at Moscow’s Domodedovo airport on 24 January 2011 (posted on youtube in November 2013).
The  report of DHnet.be on the Brussels airport attack used the video of the Moscow 2011 attack with the date of the Brussels attack: (22/03/2016) pasted onto the Russian video.
Below is the screenshot of DH’s report.
And the screenshot of  La Libre at http://lalibre.be,
And here is a screenshot of the January 2011 terror attack at Moscow’s Domodedova International Airport published on youtube in November 2013 followed by the full youtube video of the Moscow attack:
Screenshot of BBC Report January 2011 report
Concluding Remarks
The lies and fabrications of the MSM are not the result of “sloppy journalism”.
They are deliberate and are intended to mislead the public.
The mainstream media routinely uses fake images and videos in its coverage of the war on Syria.
The campaign against alternative and independent media seeks to limit freedom of expression.


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