Comfortably Numb… On Jesus Radio! Preachers Do Not Touch Upon Injustice, Prejudice or Economic Unfairness… - Counter Information


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Monday, June 15, 2020

Comfortably Numb… On Jesus Radio! Preachers Do Not Touch Upon Injustice, Prejudice or Economic Unfairness…

Global Research, June 15, 2020

(As a preface to this column, this writer has been an adherent of the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. Thus, I believe wholeheartedly in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, and that he was truly ‘Anointed with the Christ spirit’.)
This Sunday morning I decided to drive to the beach and take a walk along the shore. Using our very old Camry (2003) it only had AM/FM radio. As I strolled thru the dial every other station I came to had religious shows, with the name of Jesus repeated continuously.
The preachers, regardless of what church they represented, talked of ‘Serving God’ and ‘Accepting Jesus as savior’. I could agree with that 100%. Disappointedly, none of the preachers touched upon topics like injustice or prejudice, or economic unfairness. No Sir! That is taboo when it comes to what I refer to as ‘ Evangelical Radio and Television’. If ‘God is Love’ as the wise ones always claim, then it goes to reason that Mega Millionaires who keep most of  their fortune cannot practice Love for their fellow man. Since ‘God is Love’ then they are NOT with their God… or any God!
My late friend and Peace Activist Ed Dunphy once was in North Carolina on business back in 2004. Ed was a marathon runner and thought that the campus at North Carolina State was a nice place to work out. As he was running he passed by a bible class that was outdoors on this beautiful afternoon. After he finished his run, Ed walked over to the group. “I heard you  all discussing abortion, and I agree with you about abortion. I am not in favor of it also. Yet, I wonder if you all are opposed to what our government has done to the people of Iraq with our carpet bombing campaign of ‘Shock and Awe’?” They looked at him as if he was an ET that just landed. “What I mean is are you as angry about aborting fetuses as you should be towards our government’s bombing and destroying pregnant women carrying fetuses with what is excused as ‘Collateral Damage’? “The teacher asked Ed to please leave or he would call security.
Imagine all those Sunday morning Bible Thumping preachers and their flocks who gave full support to men like Bush Jr. and now Trump? Of course, since most of them do vote Republican, no need to bring up Obama, another war criminal, who I suppose most ‘Born Again’ Democrats supported. Getting back to the other two war criminals, one wonders how someone can quote scripture and believe in Jesus as the Son of God, and then cheer for those two despicable men? It seems as long as someone comes down hard on abortion and the LBGT community, it matters not what we do to those dark peoples in the Middle East. Can we now make the connection of controlling the desert poor to the poor black and browns in our inner city ghettoes? The hypocrisy is astounding! Imagine the latest news of John Bolton, infamous war-mongerer since the Vietnam era (where, he said he supported that ‘War’ but did not like how it was being handled, so he chose NOT to go) coming out hard against Trump. Imagine! More food for thought about this Military Industrial Empire and its various factions, who all SUCK, but still have differences as to best control the rabble.
When the day comes, and it will, and the very people who blindly support this empire and its minions realize that THEY are next in line to be on that food bank and welfare line. Jesus was correct: No one can serve TWO masters!
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Philip A Farruggio is a contributing editor for The Greanville Post. He is also frequently posted on Global Research, Nation of Change,, and Off Guardian sites. He is the son and grandson of Brooklyn NYC longshoremen and a graduate of Brooklyn College, class of 1974. Since the 2000 election debacle Philip has written over 400 columns on the Military Industrial Empire and other facets of life in an upside down America. He is also host of the ‘ It’s the Empire… Stupid ‘ radio show, co produced by Chuck Gregory. Philip can be reached at

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