Trump Regime Blocks UN Security Council Resolution for “Global Ceasefire” During COVID-19 Epidemic - Counter Information


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Sunday, May 10, 2020

Trump Regime Blocks UN Security Council Resolution for “Global Ceasefire” During COVID-19 Epidemic

Global Research, May 10, 2020

Run by warlord members from both right wings of the one-party state, the US geopolitical agenda prioritizes permanent wars against invented enemies to enforce their will on humanity by brute force and other hostile actions.
At a time when containing COVID-19 outbreaks and combatting the severest economic collapse in modern memory matter most, the Trump regime blocked a proposed global ceasefire Security Council  resolution to assure no interference in its imperial wars on humanity.
Russia strongly supports what Trump regime hardliners oppose, Kremlin UN envoy Vassily Nebenzia saying the following:
“In view of the worldwide spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation is urging all parties to regional armed conflicts to immediately stop hostilities, secure a ceasefire, and introduce a humanitarian pause,” adding:
Failure to implement it “could lead to a global humanitarian disaster, given that most people  in the current hot spots lack access to medicines and skilled medical assistance.”
Endless conflicts in “Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya…Syria,” and Occupied Palestine (notably Gaza) are of “special concern,” along with African hot spots, and refugee camps with large numbers of people living in close quarters.
Russia called for belligerents like the US to halt illegal “use military force outside of their national borders.”
Failure to halt armed conflicts could lead to increased COVID-19 outbreaks in war theaters that spread cross-border.
“The Russian Federation will continue its work at the UN Security Council to facilitate the political and diplomatic settlement of regional conflicts based on the UN Charter and the universal norms of international law, and is ready for pro-active cooperation in this area with all parties concerned,” Nebenzia stress.
Washington’s agenda is polar opposite, prioritizing endless wars, abhorring peace, stability, social justice, and the rule of law.
On Friday, a proposed Security Council global ceasefire resolution never got out of the starting gate for a vote.
Allegedly it was because of Trump regime opposition to its language that included support for WHO efforts to combat COVID-19 outbreaks.
More likely it was because of Washington’s permanent war agenda.
Its war party rejects anything that slows or halts its momentum — its key strategy for pursuing global dominance, along other hostile actions that include state-sponsored terrorism, illegal sanctions, and propaganda war.
The latter includes falsely blaming China for spreading COVID-19 outbreaks to divert attention from Trump’s mishandling of the public health crisis that continues without correction.
The US leads the world in coronavirus outbreaks and deaths that keep rising daily — US states left largely on their own in containing them in lieu of all-out federal help not forthcoming.
Last month, Russia slammed the US and key imperial allies for blocking two draft UN General Assembly resolutions (one Kremlin sponsored) that called for lifting illegal sanctions on nations with large numbers of COVID-19 outbreaks and deaths to ensure their unrestrained “access to food and medications.”
The Trump regime is exploiting a global public health crisis and economic collapse to serve its own imperial interests.
US policymakers never let efforts to mitigate human pain and suffering interfere with their diabolical aims at home and abroad.
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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at
Featured image is from Al-Masdar News

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