Trump’s so-called ‘maximum pressure’ against Iran a losing strategy: Writer - Counter Information


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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Trump’s so-called ‘maximum pressure’ against Iran a losing strategy: Writer

US President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC on April 28, 2020. (AFP photo)

The Donald Trump regime’s so-called “maximum pressure” against Iran is a losing strategy, an American writer and political analyst has said.
Stephen Lendman made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV on Tuesday as the tensions between the US and Iran escalated over the US presence in the Persian Gulf.
The General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces has said that the presence of the United States and its allies in the West Asia region has been the source of insecurity for regional countries, warning that any provocative move by US forces will be met with Iranian Armed Forces’ categorical response.
In a statement issued on Monday, the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces said, “High-risk behaviors, which make shipping [in regional waters] insecure, have started since the adventurist and terrorist country of America and some of its allies came to this sensitive region.”
The statement noted that the US forces and their allies need to withdraw from the Middle East region and allow regional countries to establish security in cooperation with each other, noting that it is the only way to enforce peace and stability in the Persian Gulf, the Strait of Hormuz and the Sea of Oman.
The statement came after US President Donald Trump claimed that he had instructed the US Navy to destroy Iranian boats “if they harass” American ships in the Persian Gulf.
"I have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea," Trump wrote on Twitter on Wednesday.
“On April 30 1975, the US pulled out of Southeast Asia, the remaining US forces in Vietnam left on the rooftop of the US embassy, in a humiliating departure of the war that the US lost,” Lendman told Press TV.  
“The North Vietnamese with nothing close to us power militarily defeated the US because they had the staying power, and they wanted to protect their country, and they did not want to be controlled or occupied by the US. And finally, after about 10 years, the US pulled out defeat,” he added.  
“The US is not won a war since World War Two ended. That is a sign of weakness and defeat. And it got worse after 911. The US still is losing wars. It's very powerful. It can cause enormous damage and kill millions of people, which is what it's done, but it has won anything? Certainly hasn’t won anything,” he noted.
“The US is reviled around the world, on every continent. And each new regime that comes to power, Trump the latest, the revile increases because of US policies that caused so much harm to so many people -- just grievous harms, human rights, civil rights violations, grievous violations of international law,” he said.
“This is what the US does. And not just abroad, it does it to its own people at home. The only solution for Americans is rebellion, revolution, the only way to get changed, the only way to change this system is to rebel against it and get democracy the way it should be. But the US is a fantasy democracy. Never been the real thing,” he said.  
‘US losing the wars in the Middle East’
“What’s going on in the Middle East now is analogous to the US war in Southeast Asia in the 1960s and 70s. The US lost that war,” he said.
“It’s losing the wars in the Middle East. The US is losing, not winning. It's waging cold war, war by other means against Iran, losing that as well. The so-called -- Trump regime’s -- maximum pressure against Iran is a losing strategy,” he continued.
“The US has been trying to topple the Iranian government since it was established in 1979. And it hasn't been able to do it. Well, another 41 years could go by, and it still will not be able to do it,” he said.
“So the US is a loser. It's not a winner. And the long his policies go on the way they're going on right now. The more enemies it makes, the more allies it weakens relationships with and overtime loses them,” he said.
“The US is declining because of its policies. Other nations are rising, it gaining on the US, notably China and Russia, because they’re military superpowers and China, especially economically, and Iran, and other countries, India, many countries are rising in power economically, financially politically, but the US is declining,” he noted.
“And I have no doubt that I'll live long enough to see it, but I have no doubt that at some point in this century, the US will go the way of all other empires, consigned to the dustbin of history where it belongs. A loser, not a winner,” he concluded.

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