Coronavirus, A crack in the Matrix? - Counter Information


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Thursday, April 16, 2020

Coronavirus, A crack in the Matrix?

By Tom Feeley
April 15, 2020 "Information Clearing House" -  No matter where you are, or how you perceive yourself and the life that you have lived, I want you to know that I love you. Yes, I know that you have done things that you feel ashamed of and yes I know that you have brought peace to others during your evolution as a member of our human species. This is what it is to be human, to bathe in the pain and the beauty, knowing that neither would have value it the other did not exist.
My eyes fill with tears not because I am afraid or sad, rather I am filled with gratitude for your existence.
There are many within our community who are experiencing great challenges and are feeling scared and unsure of the future. In these times we discover who we are. Beyond our bravado and laughter lies fear. Unsure what or whom to believe we see ourselves as helpless in face of a system that values money, armaments and power as our Gods. We treasure these trinkets, more than we do humanity itself. Perhaps life would have a different outcome if we lived as described by Lynyrd Skynyrd.

 Coronavirus may well be the crack that lets the light in, where we begin to see ourselves for what we are.

Everybody who lives, has lived or is yet to be born is just a reflection of ourselves. We live in different cultures, prisoners of a matrix that was given to us over many generations, forced down our throats as "truth" by people who knew no better. We have found that there is nothing that will fill the empty spaces that exists in all of us.  Education, money or power have not been a path to life's fulfillment. Those of us who walked along that path will testify that success in these areas were just another drug, which we were compelled to consume.

Surely now we can accept that our systems don't work. Surely, we can imagine a better way, where no one is left unloved or uncared for. A world based on reality, not the children's stories that are the foundation of most cultures.

In closing let me say. There is only one reason for dong the right thing, and that is, because its the right thing to do. Do it not for accolades, appreciation, acceptance, ego, money or power, these things have no value. Do it without rewards. Just do it.

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