America Is an Oligarchy Trying to Screw You Out of Every Penny You Have! - Counter Information


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Monday, February 10, 2020

America Is an Oligarchy Trying to Screw You Out of Every Penny You Have!

By Larry Wilkerson

"We are involved in a fundamental battle for our life"

Lawrence B. "Larry" Wilkerson is a retired United States Army Colonel and former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell.
Posted February 10, 20202


Comments (2)

Of course, all societies have a social pyramid. the masses are at the base, the middle lass, are in the middle, and the elites, are at the apex,. Nothing has ever changed! Any questions?
The American people are very fortunate to have good people like Larry Wilkerson standing up during precarious, profoundly immoral times, - providing the necessary righteous indignation and pathway toward civilizational wisdom.

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