US Officials Secretly Met With Venezuelan Military Officers Plotting a Coup Against Maduro - Counter Information


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Monday, September 10, 2018

US Officials Secretly Met With Venezuelan Military Officers Plotting a Coup Against Maduro

By Jeremy Diamond, Elise Labott and Veronica Stracqualursi, CNNUS officials met secretly with Venezuelan military officers who were plotting a coup against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, both a current and a former US official confirmed to CNN.
American officials met with the renegade Venezuelan military officers several times over the last year after the Venezuelan officers made contact, but Washington ultimately decided against supporting the coup, the two sources said.

The US did not provide the Venezuelan officers with any support and the plans for the coup ultimately fell apart, the sources said.
The Trump administration's discussions with the Venezuelan military officers about a potential coup were first reported Saturday morning by the New York Times. The current and former US officials confirmed to CNN that report is accurate.The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
President Donald Trump has previously discussed the possibility of a military option in Venezuela.
This article was originally published by "Journal Star" -
==See Also==

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